part 16

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Two months later

Once again I find myself hanging off a building watching Emma with her team clearing out White Masks. To think I used to be one of the. I never thought I would be shooting them myself, funny how life can change. They better hurry this up hanging from this rope is uncomfortable.

"Look up shield guy there's a mask above you."

I shot him for that guy then went back to Emma, she's threw a what the hell is that thing?

"That's the thing that fucking shocked me, oh that bitch."

She drove that piece of shit into another room before I could shoot it. I looked around the room. I went back to a corner I passed, Carlyle was looking right at me.


My rope was shot and I began falling down. I used a climbing pick to save my ass then kicked a window open to get in.

"Alright Carlyle let's do this."

I held out a black box, flipping a switch and a red light blinked as I put it behind me. I moved in rifle ready sweeping the rooms.

"You guys hear me?"

Radio was silent.

"I'm not using code names."

Persistent bastards, I'm not going there at all. One mask fired at me barely missing. I turned and fell shooting him down, rolling back to my feet.

Radio: You know if you just say it I'll keep you covered.


Radio: Just fucking say it bro.

"Don't join his side."

Radio: Say it fucker or I'm going back home.

"Fine! Iswallowcome are you in position?"

Radio: *hysterical laughing* Yeah I'm here now let's go save your girl so you can fuck her ass.

"Why did I ever call you fuckers to help me?"

Radio: Because you need someone to make you look good. I'm still don't understand theses outfits.

Radio: Well we can't dress in our old gear.

"Well we do look like discount Rainbow, Robert."

I shot down three more masks then stabbed another.

Robert: You don't like the skull or gas mask do you?

"If I needed to look good I would have just called Liam."

Liam: Hey! I'm here to be the attractive rescuer that saved the other girl. Unlike Robert.

Robert: Shit bro, I'm about to die running up these damn steps.

"Holy shit Robert it's been like a month what you've been doing?"

I threw a mask out the window and his head exploded from what I assumed was Liam with his rifle.

Robert: Binge watching everything and trying to speed run through every dark souls games.

I found Robert opened up the door in front on me, he fell to his knees and began chugging water.

"Get up."

Robert: Well excuse me for not wanting to stalk a girlfriend that thinks I'm dead. Some of us have a life.

Liam: Sitting on a couch ordering take out isn't a life.

I helped him up, he loaded his shotgun then put his mask back on.

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now