Vol.2 Part 9

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We were sitting in a room next to the barrel of that breathable liquid shit Liam has.

Robert: It's been like ten minutes.

Liam: I'll get him out.

He hoped off then pulled the man out. He was coughing as he panicked.

"So what's the plan?"

Man: Fuck you!

"Alright then."

Liam hit the man with the lid until he could shut it.

Liam: Oh I have an idea.

We moved the barrel in a hill, just happened to be where they have the shooting range.

Thatcher: What are you folks doing here?

Robert: On a mission.

Liam: Yeah.

He kicked the barrel down the hill. We looked at the barrel took out a few people running laps then breaking a door.

"You should fix that."

I flipped home off following Liam and Robert. The French guy with the yellow suit was getting up, looking like he wants to hit us.

"Fucking try it, whatever your name is."

Liam: I think it was a cat.

Man: It's Lion you fucks.

Robert: Sounds dumb.

Lion: It's because I stopped a mob by yelling at them. That's why it's Lion.

Robert: But doesn't a tiger have a better roar?

"Don't ask me dude, last time I heard a lion it sounded like Liam after he got done masturbating."

Liam: You think with a face like this I masturbate?

"Definitely. So how long has it been?"

Liam: I don't...

"Liam, you suck at lying."

Liam: Last night.

Robert: The fuck bro we have bunk beds.

Liam: I'm a gentleman, I do it while in the shower.

Robert: Y/n can use Emma's shower?


Robert: I don't want to get pregnant taking a bath.

Lion: The fuck is wrong with you?

"You wouldn't understand."

We eventually rolled the barrel back to the room where Harry was waiting.

Harry: May I ask what is going on?

Liam: We are interrogating the guy.

We set the barrel up them opened it.

Man: Okay, he's searching for Y/n.

Harry: What for?

Man: He didn't take his offer and now he's going kill him. That's the only thing I understand from his plan.

Harry: Does anyone else know more?

Man: I'm sure but I don't know any names.

Harry: Fine. I'll let you finish the job.

He walked out, Liam began laughing.

Liam: I have an idea.


Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now