Volume 2 Part 1

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I looked at myself in the mirror trimming my facial hair that's grown from always fighting and moving around. I still haven't revealed myself to Emma, even though I'm always watching her when I can be. I've been focusing more on finding who Carlyle's boss but always found nothing.

Voice: Hello is anyone home?

"The fuck is that?"

I peeked out, just the hotel maid coming to clean I guess. I walked back to the bathroom picking up my gear and guns climbing out the window. She's going to freak out when she finds the White Mask hanging from the ceiling with twenty stab wounds. I stood in the parking lot as she screamed and ran out.

"Sorry lady."

I threw my hood up as people walked out to see what's going on. Yet another  failed attempt at getting a name. This is getting fucking annoying at this point. I looked at a truck drive by stopping at the store ahead of me. Looks like my friend Ela is stopping to get something.

Man: Hurry up.

Ela: Just hold on, it will just take a second.

She walked in alone, I tossed my bag in a trash bin before walking inside. She was looking around as I stood behind an the other isle. Nows a good time to try out my listening device as she looked at some feminine items. I just need something to distract her. There was a kid obviously wanting to steal something.

"Hey kid want to make a quick Buck?"

He walked next to me as I held out money.

"She that Green hair girl? Distract her."

He walked around to her and began talking. This kids good, going with the I'm lost play. I walked around the other way, placing the device inside her bag. I handed the kid money as well walking back out to my bag. I continued my walk until I bumped into Ela as she was walking out.

Ela: Sorry sir.

She looked right at me but I quickly walked away, hopefully she doesn't remember me.

Ela: Excuse me but have I seen you somewhere?


I kept walking not looking back. They drove past me, I turned to walk inside whatever building was next to me.

"Fuck that was close."

What's behind me? I walked around, seems like I'm just in someone's office or something. They had the T.V on the news, a picture of Liam, Robert and me appeared they are still looking for us. The next story was how Rainbow valiantly saved a hostage from White Masks. They forgot the part where I was downstairs disarming the bomb they planted. I can worry about that later, I need to find a place to stay for the night.

Late at night I waited on the roof for the store employees to lock up and leave for the night, I don't feel like killing them. I watched from a beam on the ceiling as the last one set the alarm and left.

"Bout time."

I threw the rope down along with the spray can I used on the cameras.

"Oh look camping gear."

That should make my living situation better, they won't mind if I steal just a few things. After doing a little shopping as I call it I sat down in the managers office taking a break from trying to open the safe to see if my device works.

Ela: I completely agree with her.

Voice: It's been months.

Emma: I don't care.

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now