Part 4

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Nearly a week has past since out mission, Carlyle has yet to send us in another mission.

*Phone buzzes*

I slapped my nightstand as my phone kept ringing interrupting my sleep.


Carlyle: Robert is coming to pick you up.

"We got a mission?"

Carlyle: Not really, our boss is sending us a new guy.

He hung up, but I stayed in my bed. Robert walked in clapping as he walked towards me.

Robert: Wakey, wakey!

"Ten more minutes."

Robert: Come on it's two in the morning! Why aren't you awake?


Robert: You jerking off under there?

He pulled all my blankets off, then began pushing me with his foot.

"I hate you."

Robert: I have food and coffee for you in my truck.

I got up fighting the urge to kill Robert, but it's better that it's him and not Liam. He tossed my a shirt and a sweater then looked in my fridge grabbing a beer.

"Oh please help yourself."

He raised the drink as I walked in my bathroom.

We arrived at a warehouse where Carlyle was sitting down watching T.V. He looked back as I wrapped a sandwich Robert bought for me.

Carlyle: Hey Liam is on the way with the new guy.

We sat down next to him. Robert kicked his feet up looking at his phone as I watched Carlyle's show. Minutes later a car drove in blasting music. Liam got out wearing a hat sideways with sunglasses sitting on the hood acting like he's a frat boy.

Carlyle: You find him?

He got up tossing the hat and glasses away.

Liam: Yeah I got him. Where did they find this guy?

He opened the trunk, he pulled what looked like a fucking kid. He shoved him down, we all looked at him as he began crying and begging for his life.

Robert: Seriously bro?

Liam: This is the guy they told me to get.

Carlyle: Get up kid.

He looked like he was on the urge of pissing himself as he stood up both hands in the air.

Carlyle: What's your name?

Boy: K...Kevin Ward. Are you going to kill me?

Carlyle handed out masks for us to put on before he took of Kevin's hood. He looked around at us getting a smile that grew as he looked around.

Kevin: Nice, I'm finally meeting White Masks.

Carlyle: We heard you want it. You complete a mission you are in.

Kevin: Fucking swee... I mean yes sir.

"Oh my god."

Kevin: So what we doing? Robbing a bank?

Carlyle: Two men attacked our fellow mask, we are going to kill them.

Kevin: Oh.

We all walked to our gun stockpile. We all grabbed our usual guns, Kevin picked up a MSR nodded as he looked down the sights.

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now