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“Four Sweet Stolen Kisses”

We were arguing at a nonsense matter
“What’s more delicious, cheese or butter?”
You suddenly kissed me in a soft manner
And whispered, “Your lips taste better.”

Watching the cloud formations, I’m totally amazed
An image formed like a face
“Those are the eyes, the nose”
using my index finger I traced
“And those are the lips.” He got a kiss, he proudly says.

Hungrily eating a french fries
Best fits with ketchup and mayo dips
I didn’t see that coming, I was surprised
You said “I just removed the ketchup using my lips.”

At the rooftop, we were stargazing
I saw a star, it’s falling
“Make a wish!” I’m too excited
“I want a kiss.” And his wish was quickly granted.

Random thoughts and random things
Cherish the wonderful moments it brings
Like my four stolen kisses
They’re always the sweetest.

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