chapter 4

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(I hope you guys enjoy my book. Now that my school started I won't update that fast, maybe on weekends ~~☆☆☆ )

Days past. Months and years.Now Jimin was 18 years old and Jungkook 14 years old. He and Jungkook were good brothers/friends even that Jungkook was weird sometimes.
He kisses Jimin on the lips like every time he sees him for years now. Jimin has told him that they are not children anymore but Jungkook being a brat doesn't want to listen.

Sometimes Jungkook gives Jimin long hugs and says sweet words. He takes care of Jimin more than he does for himself .

When Jimin is sick , he stays all night taking care of him . Also he buys Jimin gifts so often.
He buys everything Jimin says that he likes but doesn't want his parents to spend a lot of money for him . Jungkook doesn't remember the day when he bought something for himself. He spends his money only for Jimin and Jimin only.
He keeps only things that Jimin buys to him and he is more than okay with that.

Time to time they do sleepovers . Jungkook is the one sleeping more on Jimin's house than his house.
Jungkook likes to cuddle a lot and after watching a movie they sleep together while cuddling.

Also sometimes he goes to Jimin's school to take him from school with his lovely mother and after that they go with Jimin to do anything Jimin wants .

So all his life was addicted to Jimin. Jimin doesn't mind to have Jungkook all the time .
Doesn't mind anything Jungkook does because he thinks that Jungkook only wants to be a good cousin also friend.
Even when he fights to protect Jimin he thinks that Jungkook loves him so much, like how much he loves him.

Of course in brotherly love . Of course what else. Duh.
Jungkook smiles looking how adorable his hyung is right now . Wearing a big shirt that reaches his knees. Yeap is his bday gift for Jimin from last year . He really looks good in that . And hot.

"Jimin" called Jungkook . He was waiting for Jimin outside his school. Jimin was with Taehyung and another friend of his. Jhope.

They were laughing about something and Jungkook was feeling bad.
His mood changed from happy to a sad one.
He didn't know what that really was. Just he didn't like when Jimin stays with others .

Sometimes he wants him only for himself . He doesn't like when others touch him like he does . He hates it and to brush their touches from his body he starts to kiss all the places that the others have touched .

He sais to himself that all those parts of Jimin's body are his and only he can touch them . Even kiss them to make them his again . Sometimes he keeps thinking that what he feels for Jimin is different from all the feelings that has for others .

He loves his mother, his dad , his friends but what he feels for Jimin is different. Every time he is with Jimin his heart beats very fast and he feels shy. Before he used to change his clothes in front of Jimin's eyes, but now he can't do that without turning like a red tomato.

For one thing he is sure . That what he feels for Jimin is more than a like , more than a little crush. But what is that thing that makes his heart flutter every time he is with his beautiful hyung. He needs to find it . And fast.

He was in deep thoughts and didn't notice when Jimin came near him.

"Hey Kookie, what are you doing here ?" sad Jimin while hugging Jungkook and pinched his cheeks.
Jungkook shook his head and smiled .

He shouted and gave him a gift .
Jimin got shy because all were watching.

"Jungkook but you were the first who sad happy bday to me . As always though. You always are the first who wishes me happy bday. "
Jimin said and huged Jungkook tight and laughed.

"I know and I want to be always the first " he said with sparkling eyes.
Jimin didn't get what he meant with that . He just shook his head and accepted the gift.

"Thank you Kookie" Jimin said.

"Open it " said Jungkook while clapping his hands like a happy child. He hasn't changed at all.
Jimin started to open the gift . It was a necklace. But the thing is that is wasn't for him.

"It's a necklace Jungkook but , it's not for me . It's for dogs. " he says bit didn't get it yet why there was a dog necklace. But then ...

"Omg. Does that mean... ?" He said with wide eyes. Jungkook nods .

"Yes is a dog necklace. Your dog. " he said . At that moment Jimin runs to his arms and gave him a big hug.

"Jungkookie I'm so happy . I always wanted a dog . Thank you so much! Thank you ! Thank you! Thank you!" He said while kissing Jungkook all his cute face.

"Well you always sad that you wanted a dog but couldn't have it. So I thought I could buy you one for a birthday gift. Also Jimin... " he said after Jimin stopped kissing. His heart was beating very fast.
"You kissed me all over my face but you forgot to kiss me on my lips again." He pouted. "So, kiss me "

"Aish Jungkookie. No. We can't do that. Expecially not here in front of all those people."
Jungkook couldn't get why he was ashamed of him .

He really wanted to kiss Jimin in front of all the people to let them know that Jimin is his.
That no one can touch what is his. But it looks like Jimin doesn't like it in front of people.

Jimin saw that Jungkook was sad now and he didn't want Jungkook to be sad . He would do anything for Jungkook to smile again. He has a soft heart for him.

"Jungkookie how about this? I will kiss you . On the lips but when we are at home. What do you think?"
He said and watched Jungkook's face light up again.

"Yes let's do that please" he said and gave to Jimin a warm hug. He wanted to stay like that forever. He smells nice, like strawberries.

"Ok Kookie let's go now" he said and Jungkook nods.

"So Jimin do you really like the present? " Jungkook asked shyly.

"Like it? " I LOVE IT!!! Thank you Kookie" he said and pats Jungkook's head .

He made Jimin so happy today and he was proud.

So how was it? I hope you liked it. I was a long chapter this time . I don't know for other chapters but I'll do my best
Thank you ~~~
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