chapter 12

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Happy Valentine's day you couples 😄
As for me I'm celebrating single's day😂~~

If you think that after the stolen kiss and the warm body of Jimin's next to him would make Jungkook sleep, you're wrong.
Jimin's presence in his arms, as he always wanted, made him imagine his future after many years.
A life that he wants to live it with Jimin alone, which is the only reason his heart beats.

He sees a big and a happy family.
Him, Jiminie and their kids running around the house playing and making noises.
Jiminie who is pondering the table and shouting to them for not making noises because their newborn daughter is sleeping on Jungkook's arms.

There Jungkook looks happier than ever. Smiling because he is the happiest man in the world after having managed to get the only man he loved in his life and has built a family with him.

"Jungkook be careful with Jihyun! Jungkook do not jump so high!
Jungkook stop throwing in one couch and than in another or they'll get hurt! Jungkook I swear I will kill you if you don't drop Suzy down now!
I think I always knew you were a child but you are worse than them."

After dinner, the children are set to sleep and after a long day they decided to lie down to sleep too.

"Agh I'm so fuckin tired ." Jimin vented exhausted by the work as a homemade mom taking care of their children every day while Jungkook works hard for them.

"You are staring. Stop. Really . Im serious Jungkook. Aish you brat."

"Thank you !"He kissed his small hand and than his head.

"For what Jungkookie? " Jimin asked confused what Jungkook meant with that.

"For being with me all these years.
Making me the happiest man in the world. For being the dad of my children and for making me to love you more and more every day it passes." Jimin looks at him with a big smile on his face ." Thank you for changing my life and please keep staying with me till we get old."

"Jungkook I will never let you. I will be yours forever until my last breath.
I want to be with you forever. And do not forget that I will not allow you to like anyone else except me. You got it? If you do I'll cut your balls!" Jungkook chuckled softly at that threat of his husband.

"I know you will . Also you never forget that I have no eyes for someone else. I just have eyes for you in this life and in every other lifes. I'm all yours babe. Only yours."
Jungkook began to kiss Jimin with a very passionate kiss full of love and passion.

" I love you Jimin . I love you to the moon and back." He said between the hot kisses.

"I love you too Jungkook " Jimin said back to him while panting .

After that Jungkook woke up and the first thing that came to his mind was to look for Jimin if he was still there with him. After he saw that Jimin was still in his arms sleeping like the 'sleeping beauty' he calmed down again.

"You are so beautiful hyung. You are going to be the death of me someday ."
He was talking while grinning his hyung's face that looked like an innocent kid when he sleeps.

"I wish I could stay like this forever. "

He muttered with his soft and sweet voice , coming close to him kissing him gently and tightening his embrace more keeping him close to him afraid to let him go.
After a few minutes ,sleep took him but never released Jimin from his arms.


This morning the weather was very undeniably pleasant . The air harmonised with the gentle sunlight and a clear cloudless sky. Jimin's father left early for work as usual this past few months.Jimin has started and sees his father very rarely since his father is very busy in his office work.

He goes early and comes home pretty late.
Also his father is stressed out of work because it was not going well recently .
So after his dad left, his mother came to wake them up. But what she saw warmed her heart.
They were sleeping together, wrapped in each others arms tight.
Jungkook had placed his head near of Jimin's neck where the nose absorbed his scent.

Like old times.

Sometimes she really thought that maybe it was better for them to marry each other by how they behaved with each other. But it's for them to chose who is going to be their life partner.
If it happens that they want to marry each other , she is going to say yes, without thinking it twice.
She didn't want to disturb them from the sleep so she closed the door and left the room.

Jungkook started to wake up after a few minutes later.
He woke up with his nose nuzzling Jimin's neck while taking a deep breath enjoying how he smells sending chills down his spine.
Wrapping his arms around his small waist in a protective manner, rubbing it gently.

Seeing every part of his face with adoration . Even in the morning he was breathtaking.
Jungkook licked his lips at the gorgeous sight in front of him. Rosy and puffy cheecks , Jimin's hair falling nearly in his eyes ,his fluffy cherry lips, he was a temptation that can tempt Satan himself, let alone Jungkook.

So how was he supposed to let this angel go? How was he supposed to let someone else have him?

Jungkook felt a warm feeling all over his chest , Jimin fits so perfectly into his arms, his body was perfect align to his.
No one else can complete him but hyung.

With all these things in his head he didn't see when his thumb was caressing his lower lip.
It was as soft as a cotton candy , that's why he always kissed them when he was a child. Jimin was his first kiss and for sure that he is going to be the first and the only .

The temption to kiss him right at that moment was very big. His face approaching his slowly to taste his favourite lips again but at that moment Jimin woke up of feeling that someone was tapping his cheeks .
Slowly Jungkook gave him a smile and lifted his head away.
Jimin actually knew what he was trying to do because he wasn't sleeping . He figured that Jungkook was tryeing to kiss him.

Thank you for being part of my shiteu book.~~☆☆

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