chapter 21

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Hi guys! Did you miss me? I missed you all. Thank you for 4.56k readers. I love you💞💞

After completing the lesson Jimin left school to go and talk again with his father about his marriage with jungkook and his relationship with Yoongi.
After leaving school, outside he saw Jungkook's mother. Maybe she is waiting for Jungkook. He thought.
As soon as he would return to get away, he heard her calling him.

"Jimin" She screamed for him to hear and to stop him from leaving.
Jimin turned right away after hearing her calling him and after watching her making a sign to come closer , he walked to go closer.

"Auntie, Jungkook has not left yet. He will come out soon. " Jimin explained to her and bowed to leave but she stoped him by catching his arm.

"I'm not here for Jungkook. I'm here to talk with you . Do you have some time to talk? " She asked and waited for Jimin's answer.

"Uhhhm... yes , I was just going home to talk with my father about something.  But we can talk first. "

"Alright get inside the car . We need to drink something and talk." She smiled and got inside the car first and Jimin following her .

After few minutes they arrived near a coffee shop that looked as a quite place . It was a good place for a talk .
They got inside and took a place. The waiter came and took their orders . After they got their orders no one would interrupt them now.

No one was taking so Jungkook's mother decided to break the silence.

"Jimin, I think you heard about the marriage right? " She asked softly to not make any wrong action that would make everything goes for nothing.
Jimin looked at her in disbelief while sighing really annoyed.  How can someone decide for his life ?

"Yeah I've heard it . Also I know that I don't want this marriage. " He replied with a sureness voice.

"That's to bad to hear Jimin because I really want you as my son-in-law. I think you are the best choice for my Jungkookie.  You don't really know how much he has suffered because of you. I feel disappointed that you don't care about him at all."

"I'm sorry auntie but I never wanted for things to go in this way. I never wanted Jungkook to suffer but I also can't make someone happy if I'm forced to. "

"Jimin... I'm worried about him. I-i'm worried about my son." She screamed with tears now in her eyes that were fighting to not fall.

"What do you mean with that auntie?"
Jimin asked worried .

"He might look like he is alright in front of people but deep inside he is hurting. I know that because he has suffered,  he still is suffering and this is all your fault!" She said now crying. Jimin felt sorry for Jungkook.

"For four years he hasn't eaten properly even once. Sometimes he doesn't eat for days . He keeps crying every night screaming like a crazy person . Calling for you but you were never there. " She kept confessing everything about Jungkook's problems all those dark years.

"He would try to kill himself every three times a week . Have you seen his body?" She asked and Jimin shook his head.

"I could have guessed it that you wouldn't. " She sighed.

"His body is with cuts everywhere. Every cut presents a number of how many times he felt his heart broken.  Of how  many times he felt lonely and wanted you to make him feel loved." Jimin's mouth hanged open now he was crying too. Well he doesn't love Jungkook like that but that doesn't mean that he doesn't love him at all.

"I followed him one time because I was curious where was my son going every night . Damn it Jimin he has waited outside your house every night for years! He waited for you to come to him for 4 fuckin years! Every night I saw him waiting at your house crying his heart out. His love for you is without limit. I really don't want him to love  you anymore but you have possessed him. He can't look at someone else other than you. " She added and remembered Jungkook's delicate body . His pure son needs really help or she is going to loose him forever.

"What do you want me to do ? Do you want me to marry him and behave like I love him? That's what you want?" He asked her with tears that fell while listening Jungkook's sad story . His fingers were scratching one another making them drop blood.

"I want you to marry him. You can't fake loving him if you don't. You can just stay near to him when he needs you. You don't have to make love or things that would make you uncomfortable. Just stay with him. Please! " She begged while capturing his little hands and squeezing them and looking at him with hope in her eyes. Hoping that Jimin would expect this offer.

"Nothing more than just staying by his side? Nor intimate nor sexual intercourse?" He asked to make sure what she said.

"Just stay with him till he let's you go."

"What if he doesn't ?"

"If he doesn't you can leave him." She said and this captured Jimin's attention. This would be alright for him. He can't stay with him forever. He has Yoongi. Oh fuck . What about Yoongi? What will happen with him?

"Auntie ,I am in a relationship. If I marry Jungkook what would happen with us?" He confessed the truth and her eyes widened at what she heard.

"You need to leave him"

"What? No!!! I won't. I love him! How would I? " He suddenly sit up straight and stared at her.

"Well you can't be with both of them at the same time. You need to concentrate only to Jungkook. "

"Yes that's what that means. That I only will stay with him but my boyfriend will be the one that I would kiss or have sex with. " He glared at her denying her offer . "I can't do this."

"So you would like to make my Jungkookie a mistress???" She asked furious at what she was hearing from him .

"I didn't want this but is the only choice. I can keep Jungkook as just a mistress " he said and a slap was heard. Jungkook's auntie just slapped him on his face while giving him a disgusting look.

"You don't deserve my Jungkook. I don't know what he sees in you but I feel ashamed of you. " She sighed and walked away.

"I'm sorry auntie but that's the condition. That's the only way I would marry Jungkook.  Now you can choose if you want to still marry me with Jungkook or just leave me alone . " He said making her stop and turn to look at him one more time. She sighed again and then left the place.

This was chapter 21. I'm sorry for being late. I'll just write my chapters first and then publish them not just one by one.
Sorry for my mistakes. Hope you like it.~~~~☆☆☆

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