chapter 7

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Here I am again for a new chapter.
I don't know if this book is going well . Is just that is my first time and also I'm not sure if I'm doing it great . I hope you really enjoy it . Sorry for my autocorrections.••☆☆••~

~~At university...

"Do you still don't talk with Jungkook? " asked Tae . He and Jimin were walking straight to their class.

"Yeah, it's been almost four years now. He didn't talk to me since that day." Answered Jimin with his head low.

"I think you were rude that day. Then at that time he was just a little child that had a little crush on you . At least you should have said something to him."

"You think I didn't try?" Said Jimin now angry at what Tae said . " I tried almost a year to talk with him. But he
always avoided me . I tried to call him but his mother said that he was asleep or he was taking a shower. When I went there to meet him ,he didn't want to see me." He said with his voice softer than before now and with sad eyes that never smiled like before.

He lost his eyesmile that day. Yes he laughs or smiles sometimes but not like before. Inside that smile he is aching to look Jungkook and to be with him again like before. He really misses him a lot. He wants to talk with him again . To hear his sweet and melodious voice and to see that bunny smile again.

"Also today is his 18th birthday.
I wish I was there to celebrate with him like he always did with me. You know Tae?" He turned facing Taehyung now.
"He never forgot my birthday.
He was always the first one to wish me a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ". Even when I forgot my birthday he never did.
He used to come to my house one day before my bday to come and do a sleepover in my room.He always bought me gifts that I really wished to have and that I thought it was impossible.

He was so cute" Jimin chuckled.

"Also Jimin I heard from my mother that Jungkook hasn't been well those 4 years." Taehyung said with an uncertain voice. He wasn't sure if he needs to tell Jimin or not.

"What? Why? What happened to Kookie?" Asked Jimin worried . He really said that he doesn't love Jungkook like that but his heart never stopped loving him in a brotherly love. He always loved him . He felt bad that he can't turn back his feelings for him. But that's him. He can't do anything because his heart belongs to someone else now. He felt at fault for being a bad hyung .

"Well ... she was talking with Jungkook's mother one day and they were talking about Jungkook.
I heard that Jungkook wasn't the same anymore. He since that day always cries, doesn't eat or does anything.  She said that he doesn't smile anymore either.
Also it looks like Jungkook, he always sees nightmares every night and when he wakes up he screams your name Jiminie. "

Jimin opened his eyes wide shocked. His little hands over his opened mouth .

"What? Oh my God Jungkookie !" He said with tears that were escaping from his eyes non stop.

"I heard also that ... " Tae wanted to say something else but stopped.

"What Tae? What did you hear ? Tell me ! " He ordered and kept shaking his friend's shoulder to keep going .

"That he also tried to kill himself so many times now."

"Whaaaat???" Jimin screamed out loud and all of school students eyes were on him . Whispers were hearing but he didn't care.

"I'm going to Jungkook. I have to talk to him. I have to fix all this . All of this is my fault . You are right . He was just a little child that had a crush on his hyung . I was so stupid. I should have been there to protect him. Fu*k... Fu*k. " now he was frustrated. His hands on his hair making a mess .

"Jimin" Taehyung said trying to get Jimin's  attention.

"What?" Jimin screamed annoyed .

"Look" Tae pointed his head on something or better... someone .
"Is him . Jungkook." And then Jimin lifted his head and he saw someone that didn't expect there . Who else than Jungkook?Oh how much he missed him!

He wanted to spend time with him so much . Go to play or  to watch movies and then cuddle. Jungkook has changed so much now. He is more handsome than before.
Also he is much taller. Bet that he is taller than him.
But he looks so fragile . He had lost that bunny smile . Actually he doesn't smile at all. His face looks really pale .

It didn't take long for Jungkook and Jimin to make eye contact and Jimin's heart skipped a bit . His heart was beating so fast now.

Jungkook was looking him with sad and angry eyes. He knew that maybe it wasn't that easy for Jungkook to watch him after he rejected his love.

Jungkook broke the gaze and started to take a sit on one of the tables of his new class. As soon as he left ,Jimin let his breath out that he didn't know he was holding in . The situation was so intense. How is he going to talk with him ?Will Jungkook forgive him?

"Jimin it seems Jungkook is in the same class with us now. But isn't he younger?" Tae said but Jimin was deep in thoughts while watching Jungkook but he interrupted his thoughts when teacher came to class and the lessen started .

So that is chapter 7 . Maybe I'm going to post next chapter this week because I think I have it ready .
Don't forget to give me votes and hope you liked it .
Again sorry for my autocorrections . I will correct them again when I check it later.

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