chapter 35

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I'm here for another chapter because maybe I won't have Internet later for some days. To not make you wait so long I'm uploading the chapter faster.

Jungkook's mother did as Jungkook told her, making everyone leave disappointed . Everyone were shocked at first not knowing what happened that the wedding was stopped in the middle.

Jimin's parents didn't know what was happening either. They just hopped that Jimin was fine.  As for Jungkook he was screaming mad at everyone to search in every place for a short and white hair man.

When he got not the answer he expected to get he throw his phone on the wall breaking it in thousands peaces .

"I don't fuckin want to hear your useless answers !Check everywhere! Don't you dare to come at me without finding him!!" His loud screams were heard till in the room where Jimin was kept and wasn't allowed to come out. Jungkook was more frustrated by the fact that he didn't know the face of the person he was looking for . And that was making him go insane even more.

As for Taehyung , he was so worried about his best friend. Jungkook's condition made him scared for Jimin. Now that Jungkook found out about this he would do everything to find Yoongi and God knows what he will do to Jimin. He can't wait and see Jimin suffer alone so he went to his door and was ready to open it but the guards that were watching him stopped what he was doing.

"I'm sorry. No one is allowed to go and come out of this room. Those are Jungkook's orders so I can't let you go inside sir. You have to talk with him first. " this was making Taehyung's blood boil. He what? He wasn't to meet his beloved best friend now? Who the fuck does he think he is?

"I'm his best friend! I have the right to meet him . He is a crying mess there and no one cares about his condition. You all don't care about how he is feeling right now you monsters . I have to go there and make him stop crying. So I don't give a shit about what Jungkook ordered you to do. " He tried to open the door but one compare to five is an unfair game.  They are not doubt stronger than him.

"Let him go." A woman's  voice got their attention and their eyes were on here now.

"But mam Jungkook told us to not let anyone go there. " one of the guards spoke .

"He is not an enemy . Jimin needs someone to console him and he is his best friend. Let him go inside. I will take the responsibility and talk to my son myself. " She spat to them in an strong tone that made them obey to her and open their way for taehyung to go inside.

As Taehyung got inside he saw Jimin's figure crying his heart out on his knees near a wall far away of the door. Hearing the door opening Jimin's eyes looked with his friend's eyes and he run to tae hugging him tight.

"Tae what am I going to do now? Jungkook won't let me go even If I beg to him. I am screwed now ."He cried in his arms and that broke tae's heart of seeing Jimin's mental like this.

"I-I can't even call him and tell him that I can't come because I can't find my phone. I think Jungkook took it from me when I wasn't paying attention. " Jimin's voice so desperate to not make Yoongi wait for him for nothing. He would feel like a toy that was being used and then thrown away for the nth time.

"I can help you with that Jimin. I can meet him at the place he told you and tell him that you are not coming to him. I will make him not wait for you anymore if you want . Just tell me and I will do it ." Jimin looked at him for any sign of misunderstanding but tae looked damn serious about this. He was going to meet him and tell him that Jimin is not going to be with him anymore if Jimin wants him to do. Of Yoongi keeps waiting he will only get hurt himself.

"Will you do that ? Can you make him forget about me please? I don't want him to get useless hopes if I never get the chance to leave from Jungkook's side."

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