chapter 8

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This is chapter eight by book called "Let me love you".

"Ok students ,this year we have a new student to this class. Jungkook come in front of the class and introduce yourself!"

"Hi , my name is Jeon Jungkook and I'm new to this school. I am younger than you all here so please take good care of me." He ended his sentence with a fake smile .
"Jungkook you may sit now " his teacher said and he went to his place .

'Omg guys did you see that? He smiled. Yes he is so handsome like a real idol. No one compares to his beautiful face and hot body.'
Screams of fangirling could hear from the girls and boys too.

"Everyone stop talking and let start the lesson for today." Teacher said and Jungkook gave her a thankful smile.

Almost all the lesson time Jungkook kept staring at Jimin. He couldn't bare himself to take his eyes away from Jimin. Jimin has changed but he is still small as before. Jungkook chuckles at the thought of him not really changing that much .

His heart flutters everytime his eyes land on him. He looks beautiful even after four years. It looks like his feelings for him haven't changed at all. He likes him even more than before and he really doesn't know what to do with his broken heart.

But something is sure. That he will make his hyung his . He will do everything it takes to do that, even if that is the last thing he does.

On the lunch break Jimin and Taehyung took a place on the school's canteen to eat their food. After some minutes Jungkook passes and sits in another table facing Jimin . As Jimin wanted to get up and go to talk with Jungkook, someone interrupted him.

"Hey love!" Jimin's girlfriend came to him .

"Hey Jennie " Jimin huged her and gave a sweet kiss on her lips.
She started to deepen the kiss and they stayed kissing like that for a minute.
Well they didn't know someone was watching them from afar. With face red , fists clenched and hard breathing Jungkook couldn't watch more of this disgusting view.

He throw the food away and left furious.
Jimin broke the kiss and looked at Jungkook's direction leaving the place.

"Jimin are you sure that it was just a crush?" Tae whispered to Jimin's ear . Jimin got up to go to Jungkook and let his girlfriend dumbfounded . He really needs to talk .

Jungkook went to one of boys bathrooms . Relief took him that no one was there. Tears started to fall from his eyes. With his clenched fists he hit the wall hard. Now he was bleeding .

"Whyyy" cried out loud. "Why not me? What does she have more than I do? " his bloody hands now on his head pulling his hair. "Aaaghh why do you keep making me like this?
Why are you making me go crazy? Can't you just look at me in a different way? Can't you love me like I fuckin do? Is that hard to love me? Am I not enough to you? " He asked with a cracked voice while looking in the mirror that was hanging there.

"The only thing I wanted in my entire life was you . A little bit of your love ."
He lost all his strength and fell on his knees crying and crying.

"Why my love? " He pulled out a picture of Jimin and him that they took for Jimin's 18th birthday and caressed Jimin's figure .
A tear fell on the photo. He kissed it and put it near his heart hugging as it was Jimin the one he was hugging with tears that weren't stopping.

"Jungkook " Jimin opened the door hard and saw Jungkook.

"Jungkook " he came closer to him and saw him a crying mess. "Jungkook please don't be like this. It breaks my heart "

"Jungkook " he called him almost a whisper. Jungkook turned his head slowly but then just looked away. He didn't spare him a glance.

"What are you doing here? "His voice so husky. His eyes are puffy and those dark underline under his eyes makes it for Jimin impossible not to notice it.

"I'm here for you. Don't cry ." Jimin grabbed his face and Jungkook was staring at him.

"What is it?"

"You are really here sitting beside me.
I missed you a lot. " Jungkook said and blushed looking away.
His tears still won't stop as Jimin wipes them away with his thumb making Jungkook face him again.

"You are crying like a baby" Jimin sighs . "Maybe. .."
Jungkook stopped him from talking with a kiss. Jimin can taste his tears while he was kissing him hard and gripping his neck to deepen the kiss.
His tounge trying to explore every part of his mouth hungrily. After some seconds Jimin parted the kiss for air.

"Jimin" Jungkook said crying hard and hugging Jimin tight afraid of him leaving again. "Don't leave me please. I can't bare it anymore. I think if you leave me I'll die." He said putting his head on Jimin's shoulder near his neck smelling his favourite smell like life depends on that.

"Shhhh don't cry . I'm here . I won't leave anywhere " Jimin said while stroking his hair gently and kissed his head .

'I promised to protect you from the world . I'll protect you. Even if that world is me Jungkook. ' Jimin thought to himself.

This was chapter eight from book called "Let me love you " all. I hope you really enjoyed it. I think I will update another chapter today or tomorrow . Have a great time reading this book.
Byeee~~~ ☆☆☆

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