chapter 10

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Here I am again with a new chapter for you all. My book is going well, actually I thought it to wasn't going to be liked by you but comments say the otherwise. Well we'll see .
Enjoy and sorry for my autocorrections. I'll correct them latter again. ~~~

"Come and sit , the food is ready so you can eat." She said making a sign for them to sit at the table.

"Auntie, I think I am not hungry anymore . It's better for me to leave.
My mother is waiting for me and also one of my friends is coming to my house so..."

"Who is it?" Jungkook interrupted him with his clenched jaw, tightening his head. His words came out without thinking . Putting his tongue on his check and hands clenched in fists without caring that his hands were hurting from before. He was dieing from jealousy that was eating him inside.

"Ammm is Hoseok hyung. We are both on the same project so we need to finish it this week because latter exams will start and we won't have time to do the project." Jimin answered to Jungkook with his head low without looking at him and biting his swollen lip that Jungkook made that to him when he was kissing him hard.

Jungkook saw that movement and felt proud for what he just did. He really wants to do more to him. All those years without him near were like nightmares to him . For not watching those nightmares anymore the only thing to do is keeping Jimin forever and never let go.

Jungkook nodded feeling annoyed of him being with someone else other than him and sat on the table.

"Jimin I cooked your favourite dish. Please try it. It's been a long time that you haven't tried my food. " She said . What she wanted was to keep Jimin here for Jungkook. If he wants him she needs to keep him here as long as possible.

"Please Jimin , I would feel offended if you don't. "

"Oh , alright I will stay so give me some of your delicious food auntie" he said giving her his eyesmile that kills everyone.
Jungkook dropped his gaze and peered at Jimin from beneath his brow and fluttered like a fangirl.

Jimin started to eat his food and Jungkook only kept staring at Jimin watching him eat.
To take his eyes away from him was damn hard.
His mother was watching the way his son was looking at Jimin while the other was eating.

'So fuckin whipped ' she thought shaking her head and a small smile took over her lips while was looking at her son smiling like never before.
She was so happy to see her son smile again. He hasn't smile like this for four years.

'Jimin makes him smile like crazy'

After finished eating and talking, the one who was talking was Jungkook's mother and a little bit Jimin.
Jungkook only stayed watching Jimin's moves and his perfect features.

He missed him so much. He missed his smile, his giggles , his small hands , his warm body , his addicted smell . All of him.
He missed everything of Jimin. All his beautiful times they had together. He more missed his times when he slept with him.
He wants to sleep with this tiny body again. To cuddle with him again.
Without understanding was staring hard at Jimin and then Jimin made eye contact with him.

"Jimin" he tried to let out his words that were hard to come out.

" Yes kookie?" Jimin answered and Jungkook couldn't stop smiling by the name he loves to be called by him.
His checks turned a pink shape and low his head down for him to not watch it. His heart was beating so loud that he was afraid of Jimin hearing it.

"I...I just wanted to ask if it's okay with you if I am part of the project too.
You know , I am new there so I don't know anyone accept you. But if you don't want to is okay.

"Oh kookie is alright. I don't mind. I also think that hobi hyung doesn't mind too. He knows you so it's okay with that." Said Jimin while trying to reach his hand and rubbed it.
Jungkook felt butterflies in his stomach . Face like a red tomato .
The atmosphere around him was hot. He loves when Jimin touches him .

But the problem is that he doesn't like when Jimin talk for other men in front of his salad. But he let it go this time and just nodded.

"Auntie I think we need to go now"

"Alright but wait to give you some biscuits to eat them when you are doing your project." She said and went to the kitchen and came with a plate full of biscuits.

After a while both of them arrived at Jimin's home .
The way home was quite and with not much conversation between them.
All the way Jungkook mostly glanced at Jimin from time to time.
Jimin didn't want to hurt the boy more so he didn't say anything.
Well he didn't know what to say.

"Jungkook, my mum is going to be late so it will be just the three of us" Jungkook nodded.
"So I'm calling Hobi hyung to come for the project."
Hobi arrived after 30 minutes later.

"Jungkook I am so happy to see you again buddy! I missed you so much. You have grown up a lot."
He said while giving to Jungkook a friendly hug. Jungkook didn't have other choice just to hug him back.
Everything was going well .

The started to do the project together.
Every time Jimin's attention was on hobi because he was the one mostly talking and making jokes.
Well someone didn't like this.
Jungkook was watching both of them and felt like killing someone.
Putting his tongue on his check like always irritated .
His clenched fist under the table were scratching his legs that wouldn't stop shaking. His eyes red from anger.

Time to time he tried to get Jimin's attention with silly questions. Well he tried his best to not make them known that he was dead jealous but it was hard for him to controll his feelings and his actions.

When Hoseok hugged Jimin in the end for the good job they did, Jungkook couldn't take it anymore.
With grinding teeth he sighed and walked out of the house.

"What happened? "Asked hobi who didn't understand why he left like that.

"Ohh it's okay hobi hyung. Maybe he left to take some fresh air." He lied. Well he knew that Jungkook was jealous but he doesn't get it why he is jealous when he and hobi are just friends. So silly.
While thinking of that the door opened again .

"Hey sweetie. Mom is home! Oh who is here , Hoseok you are here too? " giving him a hug.

"Well when had a project but we just finished. And now I'm leaving.
Bye bye Jimin.

"Jimin I think I saw Jungkook outside. Was he for real or I didn't see it right?"

"Agh yes he was here. We are on the same group project . But he hasn't forgiven me yet for what happened back then I think ."

"Well ,Jimin he will forgive you , don't worry . I feel it. So is Jungkook staying for the night?"

"I don't know. He just left. I don't think he will come back." But he guessed it wrong . Jungkook came again.

This was chapter 10 . It sucks right?
Pfff well I don't have anything else to do just to finish this and then let chose if it's good story or not that good.
Ok guys see ya again

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