chapter 24

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How was your weekend? Did you vote for bts on billboard? Don't forget to vote guys because this year it would be harder . There are also Got7 and Exo that's why . Keep voting with valid emails only.

Still at school at lunch ~~~

"Jimin I heard that you excepted to marry Jungkook . I thought you didn't want to marry him . Why did you change your mind? " His best friend Taehyung asked Jimin. He was curious why did Jimin change his mind ? He was sure that Jimin didn't want to marry Jungkook and he was kind of happy? He didn't want Jungkook to marry Jimin . His heart was playing tricks with him since that day.

"Words spread fast huh? Who knows this other than you? " Jimin said with an annoying face and with his hand he kept playing with his food, now not feeling hungry anymore.

"Everyone knows Jimin . All TV news were talking about it yesterday. That you were soon going to be Jungkook's future husband. I still don't know how no one journalist came to you guys and ask questions. "

"Wait whhat??? It was made public yesterday night? Oh fuck !! Fuck fuck that means everyone knows? It means that... that he knows too?! What am I going to do now? I need to go and explain this to him. Oh gosh I'm fucked up ." Jimin catching what Tae said a little bit late and now he felt like dying. What is he going to say to Yoongi? Yoongi is his boyfriend and he is going to marry someone else.
He needs to talk with him as soon as possible. And not to long after a beep was heard telling him he has a new message. And to his bad luck it was yoongi asking him to meet him at the school's roof.

"I'm going Tae . I want come to the class . I have to go somewhere. Tell to the teacher some excuses like I wasn't feeling well or i don't know . Remember something. Bye" he said fast and left running fast straight to the school's roof.

"Wait Jiminnnn" Tae called him but Jimin didn't turn and just left without saying anything. His heart was beating so fast. He was scared now. What if Yoongi hyung breaks up with him because of this? They had planned their future together till they get old.
While thinking what to say to his boyfriend he reach the spot and saw Yoongi waiting for him . He was looking beautiful while staring at the clouds and keeping something in his hands. It looked like a little box and he was caressing it softly with a smile on his lips . That made him question if Yoongi heard what is happening.

"Yoongi!" Jimin called his name softly while coming closer to him and looking at his face for any sign .

"Oh babe you came. I was waiting for you ." He came closer and gave him a sweet kiss on his soft and perfect lips that he loves so much.
"I have something for you" He added and showed his small box in front of him. He opened it and it was a necklace. A beautiful necklace actually. It's was a couple necklace . One was a key and one was a heart .

Jimin's face lighted up his smile was so big but a sad one at the same time

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Jimin's face lighted up his smile was so big but a sad one at the same time.
He doesn't want to do this to the ones he loves .
"Yoongi..." he started to talk but Yoongi interrupted him by taking the necklaces from the box .

"This one is yours " he pointed to the key .
"And this is mine" he showed the heart. " Because you are the key of my heart . Without you this heart is nothing. It stops beating. This heart beats only for you Jimin. " He took Jimin's hand and put it to his heart while smiling . Jimin was crying actually. He was touched by his words. He felt so guilty .

"I love you Jimin . I do with all of my heart. Please don't leave me." He said with his begging eyes that looked so sad , so desperate for Jimin to stay with him.

"I love you too hyung . But I'm. .. I'm marrying someone else. I'm so sorry hyung for not being loyalty to you. I never wanted this to happen. I wanted to be with you. " Jimin said with tears in his eyes that were falling like a river. His beautiful eyes.

"What about me Jimin? What about us? What about our future? You will leave me for him?" Yoongi grabbed his hands tight and talked with his greeted teeth ,angry and jealously controlling him.

"Yoongi calm down please . You know I can't do anything. My father won't change his mind even if I plead to him . His business is more important than me. He accepted this marriage in exchange for money for fuck sake. I'm been bought to Jeons family now don't you get it?" Jimin screamed in angry too because he really was tired of all of this. He can't even decided for his own life.

"Babe I'm sorry . I didn't mean to scream at you . I'm just angry because they are trying to separate us . But I've thought of this all day. We can escape Jimin. We can go far away from here and be together. This way they won't separate us and you won't marry Jungkook. " Yoongi suggested with hope in his eyes . Maybe this is a way .

"We can't. They will find us. Jungkook is reach and powerful now. His father will find us in no time. And this would be worse. "

"But Jimin if you don't come with me I would be so heart broken . I can't let you go to some other guy like this. I won't give up on you. No! I will fight for you . Yes baby, you are mine . Only mine. " Yoongi took Jimin close for a tight hug , putting his head on his neck and breathing his addicting smell while some drop of tears fell from his eyes.

"Don't go. I love you." He muttered softly and Jimin heard it and hugged him back both crying their hearts out.


Jungkook kept looking for Jimin in his class but he couldn't find him . He was worried.

"Taehyung where is Jimin?" Jungkook whispered with a low voice.

"Ammm he said he wasn't feeling well and was going to the infirmary and take a rest." Taehyung lied but he was worried for Jimin too.

"Ahh thank you Taehyung-shi" Jungkook said and gave him a small smile that gave Taehyung feel butterflies on his stomach. His face was a shade of pink and now was playing with his pencil and biting his bottom lip feeling all flustered. Well he knows that Jungkook's eyes are on Jimin but he can't help it. Jungkook is beautiful. How can't Jimin sees how beautiful Jungkook really is?' He really is blind .'
He thought.

This was the end of this chapter. Woooh I always go deep in this book whenever I write it. I feel like I am inside this book and I'm watching all this happen in front of my eyes.kekeke😂😂

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