chapter 6

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Hi guys ! Here I am again for the next chapter. Today jimin had pink hair color omg and Tae blue . I hope you are sill alive .😍

Four years passed. So many things changed those years. The first thing was that Jungkook wasn't himself anymore. He couldn't make himslelf to do anything .
But what destroyed him the most was Jimin's relationship with with a girl called Jennie .

It's been two years that they are together.
Jungkook couldn't believe this at first.
He went crazy and started to destroy everything inside his house .
His level of depression was hight.
His mom got so scared. He sometimes cut himself and also wanted to kill himself from time to time. His body was covered with cuts in every part of it and it didn't look good in him .

How is his Jiminie hyung going to like him now that he has all those cuts and bruises everywhere .The pain in his heart was big. He couldn't bare this kind of pain .

He looks so pale . His mother wants his son back . Jungkook hasn't been the same since the day he got rejected. He stopped talking with Jimin too. He stopped talking with all. Sometimes he skipped school , just to stay alone in his room and cry in his bed to sleep. He felt like it was in a darkened street without an end.

Nightmare started to take him at nights and at days too into a dark zone. The same nightmare. Jimin leaving him. He always wakes up screaming Jimin's name over and over again. The most of the days he was sick and his mother was so worried . His son , his beautiful son that now looks so pale and fragile.
Now he was taller than before but he has lost a lot of weight because of lack of food.

Jungkook stays without eating for days. His mother forces him to eat something to keep him alive but is hard to make Jungkook eat. He can eat only if his mother says any new news about Jimin and how is he doing.
Also he has dark circles under the eyes because of lack of sleep . Short he looked like a ghost and nothing like old Jungkook.

But he has a cute face with big brown chocolate eyes and big nose but it looks adorable in him, bunny teeth that are visible only when he laughs but hard to see them because he doesn't laugh a lot almost never and perfect thin lips that look so kissable.

His mother couldn't stay and watch this anymore. She thought that Jungkook will forget Jimin and will find someone else but he never did.
He never stayed a minute without thinking of him. He really was obsessed with Jimin and she never saw something like this.

So she was tired of all of this. She can't let her only son die like this. It shatter her heart when she sees him in this condition like Jimin is the only man on earth. Really she loves Jimin too but he is hurting Jungkook a lot.

"I don't care who he is if he hurts my son " she said with her eyes on Jungkook that is trying to walk in the house but not knowing why he is walking and for what . "I can't let my son die like this."

"Jungkook " she called . Jungkook turned to her.

"Yes mom" he answered with a sad but gentle voice.

"Do you want to speak with me? It's been a long time and you haven't talked with anybody . I'm worried about you and I want to help you. You know , you are not only hurting only you but I'm hurt too watching you like this. Are you going to tell me what happened with you? " his mother said with pleaded eyes wishing his son will open his heart to her today.

"I don't know mom" he said " I don't know if I can tell you "

"You can tell me everything. I will be on your side always . I will never leave you. I love you so much . You are my son " she said reaching Jumgkook and cupping his face with both of her face and waiting for him to talk.

Jungkook waited to be ready to talk and then started to talk .

" I'm in love mum" Jungkook added placing his face into her arms hugging her.

"Oh... That's.. That's good. Being in love is a good thing."

"Being in live is not a good thing. It's killing me. For so long. " Jungkook gritted his teath remembering the very sad moment of his rejection.
"It's one sided and I know it will never be any difference. That's what's wrong. "

"Is this about Jimin?" She asked her gaze piercing into his soul.

"Is it that obvious? "He responded.

"Yes it is. I know there is something between you two."

"I just love him too much and I only want him to love me back." He said crying with all his heart. I don't understand how he still has tears because he only cries and cries and tears never end.

"Well Jungkook tomorrow is your birthday and you turn 18. I want you to make a wish. Whatever that wish is I promise that I will accomplish your dream. I will do everything it is."

"Will you do everything mother?" Jungkook said with his pale face and red eyes.

"Everything you desire honey. Everything. "She said with serious look.

"I think I know what I want mom." He said in in a lower tone. She kissed his head . Also she knows what he wants. And she will make that happen. For Jungkook. His son.


Today is Jungkook's birthday. Jungkook was out of his bed today because he has to make a wish to his mother and blew the candles. His lovely mother promised to make his dream come true. He will have his dear Jimin now. No matter what happens he will make him his and his only.

He got richer now that was before. His dad worked so hard and now he is more powerful. That's what he needed all those years . Power. Now he can do whatever he wants and no one can stop him.

"So , Jungkook you can make a wish and then blow the candles honey. " his mom said smiling at him. Jungkook took a deep breath and then blew the candles.

"Do you want to say what your wish is Jungkook?" He nodded.

"I want to marry Park Jimin!" He said and his dad choked in his own saliva. His mom only smiles and nods.

"I will make that happen Jungkook. I promise you!" She said and kissed his head .

Wooow. So much intension huh?
What will happen next? Will Jungkook marry Park Jimin?

See you next chapter. Have a nice week. Love you ~~♡♡♡

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