[Yandere!Tko × Reader] - Request

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Requested by Momma_Kurogiri

So like I said in another one of my oneshots, I'm not sure how to write yandere kind of stuff. So bare with me here. It'll probably suck but I tried. Also, I never said it before, but I do twin au for Tko x Reader oneshots. It's easier.


Tko smiled as he saw Y/n walking up to him. He was excited mostly because he was deeply in love with her. He just loved seeing her smile, the way she uses funny hand gestures when talking, everything. Sure, it made him look soft, but it was worth it.

Today was different though. The moment he saw Y/n walking up to him, he noticed his brother, KO, walking with her. His smile instantly dropped and he glared at KO.

"Hey, Tko." Y/n greeted, smiling. Tko looked at her and his smile returned.

"Hey, Y/n." He waved back.

"So, I was wondering... Can I come spend the night at your house? It would be nice to get to hang out with you somewhere other than school." Y/n said. Tko's smile grew as he became excited. What if this was his chance to finally tell her how he felt?

"Yes! You can stay in my room, and we'll stay up all night playing video games, and watch scary movies, and more." Tko said as he wrapped his arm around her side, pulling her close as they walked. He noticed her and KO were holding hands. What was he thinking? He didn't like her, did he?! Why that little-

"It sounds like fun." Y/n interrupted Tko's thoughts. He shook his head and looked at her. He noticed how close their faces were, and smiled.

"Yeah. I know how to have a lot of fun." Tko said in a low voice, trying to make her blush. He always found it cute. And he was successful. Her cheeks were turning a light shade of pink. He smirked.

"I-I can't wait." She stuttered.

"Well, then come on!" KO finally spoke up as he began walking down the hallway, pulling Y/n out of Tko's grip. Tko growled, watching his brother excitedly lead Y/n away. When he gets his hands on that little twerp, KO will wish he never existed.

The three walked outside. Since their mother was at work today, they were going to walk home.

As they walked, Tko pushed KO away from Y/n and stood in between them, linking his arm with hers. KO frowned at first, but soon realized what was happening. He knew Tko had a crush on her. Tko made the mistake of telling him that.

KO didn't like Y/n like that, he just wanted to be friends. But Tko clearly saw their friendship as something else, and was obviously jealous.

Tko leaned his head on Y/n's shoulder as they walked. He felt Y/n's hand grab his and intertwine her fingers with his. In just a little while, Y/n would know he loved her, and they would be a couple. Tko could barely contain his excitement.

They finally reached their home, and Tko immediately led her to his room. KO decided to let them hang out together and went into his own room.

Tko plopped down on his bed and patted the spot next to him, signalling Y/n to sit next to him. She happily did so.

"So what do you wanna do first?" Y/n asked. Tko smirked and pinned her down on the bed. Y/n's face heated up, and Tko's smirk grew seeing her blush.

"I wanna tell you something." He said. He leaned closer to her face, her blush turning darker shades of red. In a low voice, he whispered, "I love you, Y/n."

He pressed his lips against hers, surprising her even more than she already was. She didn't kiss back, she was frozen. He liked her? He loved her? Y/n couldn't believe it. She did have a crush on him before, but hopelessness caused it to go away. She didn't know if she wanted to kiss him back or reject him.

Tko pulled away after what felt like a million years for Y/n. He smiled as he stared into her eyes.

"I'm so glad we're finally a couple." He said as he hugged her. Y/n finally snapped out of her trance and sat up, pushing him off gently.

"Tko... We're not a couple." Y/n said. Tko frowned.

"What? Why not?! I like you, you like me--" Tko was cut off.

"I don't like you like that. At least, not anymore, I don't." Y/n said. Tko looked at her confused for a moment before getting upset.

"Why not?! Why don't you like me?! I've got great looks, I'm nice to you and you only, and I protect you!" He yelled. Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"Protect me? From what?" Y/n asked. Memories flashed through Tko's mind before he shook them away.

"Other people. I don't want you to be with anyone but me." Tko said as he crossed his arms. Y/n sighed and stood up.

"Look, I used to like you a lot. But the feeling of hopelessness, the thought that you wouldn't like me back, it eventually made my crush on you go away. I'm not entirely sure I like you back anymore..." She said as she looked away.  She was suddenly pushed against the wall, Tko's arms on either side of her, trapping her.

"I know what will get you to like me again." He said. He pressed his lips against hers, this time a bit more rough than the first time.

Not wanting to make him any more upset or break his heart, she kissed him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and turned her head ever so slightly, pulling him closer. She felt his hands on her sides as he pressed himself against her. Y/n thought she didn't like him back, but maybe she was wrong because wow could he kiss.

They pulled away a moment later, Tko smirking as he looked into her eyes.

"So did I change your mind?" He asked. Y/n nodded, still a little star-struck by the kiss. "That's what I thought."

He pulled her into a hug, smiling as he nuzzled her neck. He felt Y/n's arms wrap around his sides.

"I love you, too." She said, her voice as quiet as a whisper.

So this chapter was crap. It didn't have any of the stuff it was supposed to have except that it was a Tko x Reader. Sorry. Like I said, not good at the Yandere stuff or any of that. I meant for Tko to get super jealous of KO and it just never really happened. But I tried so at least there's that.

Anyways, even though I kind of got the request wrong, hope you enjoyed.

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