[Tko × Extroverted!Reader]

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You saw this coming. You knew I was gonna make a Tko x Reader. And if you didn't, I'm shocked.

I'm also gonna use a twin au for this because it's easier.

Anyways, enjoy. Things are about to get r o m a n t i c.

Tko always found Y/n annoying. She was always so clingy and bright and loud, he couldn't stand it.

Her and KO got along just fine, which was a problem for Tko. They were always having sleepover at their house, and he saw her a lot more than he wished to.

Today was different though. Something was off. She wasn't as bright as usual. She was more clingy for some reason, and was less bright and loud. It was strange, and they had no idea what was wrong with her.

"Are you sure you're okay, Y/n?" KO asked. Y/n nodded.

"I'm fine! Why do you ask?" She asked.

"Because you're clinging to my arm." Tko said as he tried to pull his arm out of her grip, but failed.

"Oh, right, that." Y/n looked at his arm.

"Oh, what, you forgot?" Tko scoffed. "Just let go!"

"Well, you see, that's the problem. I can't." Y/n said.

"Why not?!" Tko exclaimed.

"Can we talk? Alone?" Y/n asked. Tko raised an eyebrow.

"Why? What are you trying to keep secret?" He asked.

"Nothing! I just need to talk to you." Y/n exclaimed. Tko noticed her cheeks had light tints of pink. He smirked.

"Okay, fine. Come on." He said. They walked away, leaving KO. She led him into a hallway that was dimly lit. "What is it?"

"I-I know you hate me and all, and you're probably going to hate me even more, b-but..." Y/n started stuttering as she tried to talk, her face turning a dark shade of red.

"Well? Spit it out. I don't have forever." Tko said.

"I-I... Uh..." She didn't know how to say it. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly. "Y-You hate me, so I know you won't like this, but..."

"Y/n?" Tko was getting annoyed. He was tired of listening to her stutter the same words over and over again.

"I-I like you! Like, I like like you!" She said. Even though it was kind of expected since she wasn't very good at hiding it, Tko was still shocked.

"You... Like me?" He asked.

"And I-I know you're going to hate me even more now because you find me annoying and silly and now you know I like you. A-And--" Y/n was cut off.

"Y/n, calm down. Stop stuttering, it's annoying." Tko said as he held her hand up in his two. "I don't hate you. I may think you're annoying, but I think everyone is annoying. I just need to adjust to you."

"S-So you like me back?" Y/n asked.

"I... I guess... You can be pretty nice sometimes. And you're cute." Tko smiled at her.

"Y-You think I'm cute?" Y/n stammered. Tko placed a hand on her neck and pulled her close, rubbing his nose against hers.

"Of course I do." He said. Y/n giggled.

"I never knew you were this sweet." She said.

"And you can't tell anyone either. I've got a reputation." Tko said. Y/n laughed.

"Of course you do. I'll keep it a secret." Y/n said.

"Good. Come here." Tko wrapped his arms around Y/n, and she hugged him back. She felt his soft hair against her face.

"Your hair is soft." Y/n said.

"Thanks. Your's is nice, too." Tko said. Y/n could've sworn she heard him mumble "It smells good, too.", but she couldn't be sure.

They pulled away after a moment and looked into each other's eyes.

"So does this mean we're a couple?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah, but it's our secret. I'm not ready for KO to start fanboying over us yet. I don't know if I ever will be." Tko said. Y/n chuckled.

"I guess that's the difference between you and me. You'll be annoyed by it, while I'll be joining it." She said.

"You must really like me a lot." Tko said. She nodded.

"I do. A lot." She said. Tko smiled.

"I guess you'll be one of the lucky people who get to see my sweet side." He said.

"And I'm happy to be one." Y/n smiled back. She noticed Tko began leaning in, and she began doing the same.

She felt his breath on hers, their faces not even an inch apart anymore. Just as they were about to kiss, they heard a loud crash. They both looked behind them and saw KO on the ground with a camera. He must've been recording them when he tripped and fell.

"KO! Were you recording us?!" Tko exclaimed. KO laughed nervously.

"No...?" He smiled nervously at him. Tko growled.

"I'm gonna pound your face in!" He charged at KO, who quickly scrambled to his feet and ran away with the camera.

Y/n watched with a smile as the two boys ran around, Tko trying to take the camera and beat KO up, and KO was trying to protect the video he recorded.

After a while, KO escaped with the recording. He brought everyone into the living room, including their mother Carol, to watch something on the tv. Of course, Y/n and Tko already knew what it was. Y/n was smiling the whole time while Tko looked like he was about to kill someone.

KO played the video for them on the tv, which earned Tko lots of attention from his mother. She was mainly happy for him, which was good.

"Aw, at least we don't have to keep our relationship a secret anymore." Y/n said as she wrapped her arm around Tko's shoulders. He crossed his arms and looked away.

"Yeah, whatever..." He muttered. Y/n kissed his cheeks, causing his cheeks to turn pinkish.

"There. That should make you feel better." Y/n said. Tko smiled a bit, leaning closer to Y/n as he placed his head on her shoulder.

"Yeah. It does." He said.

Was this one any good? This was my first romantic oneshot, so I don't know if it was as good as the others...

Well, I hope you enjoyed.

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