[Carol × Reader] - Request

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This was requested by Ria_10_24. I hope you enjoy!
Also, this is girlxgirl.

KO smiled as he noticed Y/n walk into the bodega. He always got so excited to see her. He really liked her, and really wanted her to be his second mom. She was always so nice to him.

He thought she would love Carol. He always tried to convince Y/n to meet her, but she always said no. Until today.

KO knew that if he couldn't bring Y/n to Carol, he would just have to bring Carol to Y/n. And that's exactly what he did. He brought his mom to the bodega and waited for Y/n to show up.

As she walked into the bodega, KO ran up to her and hugged her tightly, smiling widely.

"Y/n! Guess what?!" KO looked up at her. Y/n smiled and ruffled his hair.

"What is it, KO?" She asked.

"You get to meet my mom today! And you'll love her." KO said as he winked. Y/n frowned a bit.

"KO, I've already told you, I can't--" Y/n was cut off by someone. A cheerful looking woman approached them.

"KO! Is this the girl you wanted me to meet?" She asked. This must've been the woman KO wanted Y/n to meet so badly. It was his mom, Carol.

"Yep! Go on, introduce yourself." KO said as he looked at Y/n. Y/n sighed and looked at the woman, holding her hand out.

"Hi, my name's Y/n. Your son has been wanting me to meet you for a while." She said. Carol smiled and shook her hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Y/n! I'm Carol. And KO has been wanting me to meet you for a while too." She said. Y/n chuckled a bit.

"Did he tell you the reason?" She asked. Carol raised an eyebrow.

"No... What is it?" She asked.

"He wants me to be his second mom. I told him I couldn't but he's very persistent." Y/n said as she smiled a bit at how silly the idea was. Carol's eyes grew wide in surprise.

"He wants us to fall in love?" She asked. She looked at KO and smiled. "Aw, sweetie, it's not that easy. You can't just love whoever, it has to be someone who has meaning to you. And you can't control the heart. It decides who to love."

"But mommy, she's really great. You could at least try." KO begged. Y/n chuckled a bit.

"I don't see why not. We can at least try." She said. Carol looked at her and smiled.

"All right. We'll try. Just for you, KO." She said as she ruffled his hair.


KO practically got on his knees and begged Carol and Y/n to go on a date with each other. And so that's what they were doing. It wasn't a super romantic one, just a fun little date at the park.

While KO was playing at the swing set, Carol and Y/n were sitting on a bench. They had their arms wrapped around each other's sides as Y/n leaned her head on Carol's shoulder.

"You know... I could see this working out." Y/n said as she smiled and looked up at Carol. Carol smiled back.

"Yeah. It would be nice to be in a relationship again. And KO would love to have another mom. I think we could be a happy family." She said.

"Uh... Carol?" Y/n sat up straight and looked down at her lap nervously. Carol raised an eyebrow, confused.

"What is it?" She asked. Y/n frowned, growing more nervous.

"W-Will you be my g-girlfriend?" She asked. Carol smiled and pulled Y/n into a hug, kissing her on the forehead.

"Of course! But, uh... Maybe we should go on a few more dates just to get to know each other more." She said. Y/n chuckled, grabbing Carol's hand and intertwining their fingers.

"Yeah. That sounds like fun." She said.


I've just been reallyyy occupied lately, what with my family bothering me about getting a part time job, and I've been spending a lot of time with my boyfriend. Plus I've been focusing on trying to find other things that are fun to do, but I've only found one thing and I'm kinda tired of doing it right now.

Also I've been feeling kinda down lately cause of some depression related things. But this isn't the place to talk about that.

Also, sorry it was short. I kinda ran out of ideas half way through.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed.

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