[Crystal Gems × Male!Werewolf!Reader] - Request

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This was requested by wolfdragon03
Hope you enjoy.

Y/n smiled as Steven, his best friend, ran up and hugged him. Steven was a quite a bit shorter so Y/n didn't hug back, he just patted his head.

"I missed you, Y/n. So much has happened over the past few days. Come sit, I'll explain everything." Steven said. Y/n looked out the screen door, seeing the sun was setting.

"Okay, but only for a few minutes. I've gotta get going soon." Y/n said. He followed Steven to the sofa and sat down.

As Steven went on about the recent events, Y/n felt a burning feeling in the pit of his stomach. He shifted around in his seat, trying to make it go away.

Pearl, who was sitting right next to him, noticed how tense he was. She scooted closer and began speaking to him.

"Y/n? Are you alright? You seem tense." She said. The others looked Y/n and frowned.

"Uh... Y-Yeah, I'm fine. I gotta go. I'll see you later." Y/n said as he stood up and quickly walked to the door. He felt a hand grab his shoulder and stop him. He turned around and saw it was Garnet.

"Y/n. What is it?" She asked. Y/n gulped and stepped back, backing into the door. He felt the pain in his stomach grow. He groaned a bit in pain.

"I-It's nothing. I really need to go." He said. He quickly opened the door and rushed out. He ran down the stairs and onto the beach, trying to get away.

"I shouldn't have stayed that long! What if they see me?! What will they say?! They would think I'm a monster!" Y/n thought to himself as he continued running. The pain in his stomach had spread to his entire body. He fell to his knees, holding his stomach as he groaned.

"Oh gosh, I hope they can't see me..."


The three gems and Steven looked at each other in confusion as Y/n rushed out. Garnet watched as he ran down the beach, the lack of light making it hard to see him.

"We need to check on him." Pearl said.

"Yeah, he seemed pretty unsettled." Amethyst spoke up. Garnet looked out, no longer able to see his silhouette.

"You're right. We need to check on him. Come on." She said as she walked outside, the other three following.

They walked down the beach, searching for him. As they walked, Steven fell behind. He looked around, feeling fear build up inside him. He heard a faint noise behind him and turned around. He noticed a dark figure hiding behind a large rock.

"Y/n? Is that you?" Steven called.

"S-Stay back, Steven." A voice stuttered. It was Y/n. He sounded scared.

"Y/n, it's okay. Just come out." Steven said.

"Steven? Do you see him?" Pearl asked as the gems walked up to him. Steven pointed to the large rock. They looked at it. They could see a silhouette, but it didn't look anything like Y/n. It was much taller, probably around Garnet's height. And it looked like a dog standing on it's back legs.

"Y/n? Is that you?" Garnet asked. Instead of an answer, they heard a low groan.

"Get... Get away..." He said.

"Dude, if this is a joke, it's not funny." Amethyst said. They heard a growl coming from him. He stepped out from behind the rock and into the moonlight.

"I said GET AWAY!" He yelled at them. Garnet let out a gasp as they stared at his form. He had dog eats instead of normal ones, and fur covered most of his body. His clothes were ripped from behind stretched. They noticed foam building up at his mouth.

"Y-Y/n, what's happening to you?!" Steven stuttered as he stepped back in fear. Y/n didn't answer. He just stared at them. His eyes were glazed over. He stepped forward, making his way towards them.

"Stay back!" Garnet yelled.

"It's too late..." Y/n muttered. He charged at them, making them all turn and run. Garnet picked Steven and Amethyst up in her arms as she threw Pearl over her shoulder and began running as fast as she could.

Y/n was hot on her trail, his claws scratching her back as he reached out for her. She leaped into the air, trying to get away. Y/n stopped running as he watched Garnet land behind him and began running away.

He tried running after them, but she was too far. She ran up the stairs to their porch and ran inside. She closed the door and locked it. It was pointless though since it was just a screen door.

As Y/n ran up the stairs, Garnet grabbed the coffee table and leaned it against the door. She then leaned against it so that he couldn't get in.

They heard a loud screeching on the window as Y/n scratched his claws against the window. They heard him grow lowly as he stopped. A moment later, they heard nothing. Pearl walked up to the window and moved the blinds to peak outside. There was nothing. She sighed.

"He's gone." She said.

"What do you think happened to him?" Steven asked.

"HE TURNED INTO A WEREWOLF, STEVEN! HE'S A WEREWOLF!" Amethyst exclaimed as she threw her arms into the air.

"Hopefully he won't be like that tomorrow..." Garnet said.


Steven had trouble sleeping that night because he was so worried about Y/n.

He was sitting on the sofa eating cereal as he listened to the gems talk about what to do with Y/n. They suddenly heard a knock on the door. Steven looked over at the door but didn't see anyone. Garnet walked to it and answered. As she opened the door, Steven could see the shock on her face. He, and the other two gems, rushed over to her and looked out the door.

"Hey guys..." Y/n frowned as he looked at the ground, obviously nervous. "Um... I'm... I'm sorry for what I did... I didn't mean for it to happen..."

"Come here." Garnet grabbed his arm and led him inside. She sat him down on the sofa and looked him in the eye. "Explain."

"Uh... Well, to put it simply, I'm... I'm a werewolf. A monster. I turn into that... That thing... Every night. I tried to keep it a secret but... I stayed here a little too late last night. I can't control myself when I turn into that." Y/n explained.

"Why didn't you tell us? We could've helped you." Pearl said as she sat down next to him. He sighed.

"I... I was scared you would hate me..." He said as he looked away, not wanted to make eye contact with anyone. Steven stood in front of him and held his hands.

"We would never hate you. It's not your fault. We can help you." He said as he smiled. Y/n smiled back.

"Thank you... It means a lot to me..." He said. Steven pulled him into a hug.

"We're always here for you. And I promise we'll help you learn to control yourself more." He said.

And he did. Y/n was able to learn how to control himself more. They kept their promise, and Y/n was thankful for that. He was thankful for having such great friends...

Wow so I think this is pretty good, much better than what I was expecting. I think the ending could've been better though. I hope you enjoyed too.

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