[Tko × Bullied!Reader] - Request

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Requested by OKKOFanBoi. Sorry it took me a million years to get.
Also I have to give credit where it's due. Tko207 actually wrote this, I just edited it. So she's to thank.
Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Y/n and Tko have been best friends since childhood. They were always together.

But what Tko never knew was Y/n had feelings for him. She was afraid to tell him though, thinking that he might not like her the same way since she doesn't have any powers.

Y/n also had problems that she never told Tko about, she's being bullied. She never told him even though he can help her. She didn't because she thought he would find her weak, which is what he hates the most about people.

At this moment Y/n was in the cafeteria sitting with Tko as usual.

"Can you believe that my mom is dating my boss?!" Tko said with annoyed.

"I know, Tko. This is literally the fifth time you told me about it." Y/n replied.

"I know but it's just so... UGHHH" Tko grumbled and crossed his arms. Y/n chuckled a little.

"You're so cute Tko." Y/n said although she knew he hated being called that. But before Tko could say something about it, she said, "Now if you excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom."

"Fine. But hurry." Tko said and Y/n nodded. Tko hated to be alone in a place full of people.

As Y/n made her way to the bathroom, someone grabbed her arm and pushed her against the lockers. It's was her bully, B/n. He trapped her between his arms. Y/n looked at him in fear.

"Hey baby~" B/n smirked at Y/n. "Where's my money?"

Y/n looked at him, confused. "Your money?"

"Your lunch money, you idiot! Where is it?" He yelled at her.

"I-I don't have any!" Y/n stuttered.

"Then you know what that mean?" B/n asked.


"That mean I'm gonna wash your face in the toilet!" He grabbed Y/n by her wrist tightly and pulled her in the bathroom's direction.

"W-What?! N-No, B/n! Please! I-I'm begging you! I-I'll do anything!!" Y/n begged. But B/n ignored her.

She tried to resist him but he was much stronger than her.

As they were about to enter the bathroom, someone yelled making B/n stop "HEY YOU IDIOT!"

Y/n and B/n turned to it was Tko. Y/n was shocked, she was glad that Tko showed up but also she didn't want him to see her like that. Tko walked closer to them.

"Are you talking to me?!" B/n asked in an annoyed tone.

"It's good that you know you're the one who's meant to be the idiot." Tko said said with smirk.

"What do you want, freak?" B/n yelled.

"Leave the girl alone or else." Tko warned.

"Or else what?" B/n asked curious. He was still holding Y/n tightly by her wrist.

"Or you'll have to deal with me!" Tko said in a serious tone.

B/n started laughing which made Tko and Y/n looking at him, a bit confused. "Show me what you've got."

B/n threw Y/n roughly which made her hit the lockers hard. She writhed in pain as she slid to the floor. Tko's anger grew, he couldn't stand seeing his only best friend getting hurt like that.

"You just made the biggest mistake in your life." Tko said in a threatening tone.

"Oh really? You th--" B/n was cut off as Tko punched him in the face making him fall to the ground.

But B/n wasn't defeated that easily. He stood up, ran in Tko's direction and jumped ready to hit him. But Tko is better than that. He avoided him, watching him crash to the floor, and grabbed him by his shirt. He pulled him up from the floor.

Tko threw open a locker, then he trapped B/n inside it. Before he locked him in, he warned him. "Listen carefully, you little brat! If I see you ever bothering Y/n again, I will make sure you won't see the light ever again!" With that, he locked him inside.

Tko walked to Y/n who was still on the ground staring at him the whole time, he reached his hand out for her to take it.

She took his hand, once she's on her feet again, she looked away from him. Y/n felt so weak and embarrassed.

"T-Thanks... For helping me. I appreciate it." Y/n said, still looking away.

Tko placed his hand on her cheek and made her look at him in the eyes. "Why you didn't tell me before?"

"I...I didn't want you to see me like this..."

"What do you mean 'like this'?" Tko frowned.

"I mean... Seeing me this weak!" Y/n said as she couldn't hold her tears "Probably now you don't wanna be friends with a pathetic loser like me!"

"What? Why wouldn't I want to be friends with you Y/n? You're my only best friend!"

Y/n couldn't help it anymore. He always told her she's only his friend and she hated that. She wanted to be more than friends! More than best friends! She wanted to be in a relationship with Tko more than anything in the world.

"I don't want to be friends Tko!" Y/n shouted which surprised Tko.

"You don't want to be friends anymore?" Tko said, there was sadness evident in his voice tone.

"No I didn't mean it like that! Can't you see? I like you! I like like you!" Y/n cried.

"You... Like like me? Why didn't you say that before?" Tko said as he grabbed Y/n's shoulders. Y/n's eyes widened as he did so. "Do you know how hard it is to hide my feelings?!"

"Does that mean you like me too?" Y/n ask as her eyes lit up.

"I don't just like you, Y/n. I love you, more than anything." He placed his hands on Y/n's cheeks and started wiping her tears away. "And... I want to be here always to protect you!" He said as he blushed a little.

Y/n stared at him in shock. Tko took this moment to kiss her, pressing his lips against hers. He wrapped his arms around her neck to hold her close.

The kiss was short but sweet. As they pulled apart, Tko smiled at her.

"I love you so, so much." He said. Y/n smiled.

"I love you too." She said.

So uh I have some oneshots I really, REALLY need to work on but I can't think of an actual scenario for them and that sucks. So if you're one of the people who requested but never got anything, I am truly sorry.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2019 ⏰

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