Skate Parks & Shakes & Sleep Overs // Jack Avery

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*When you get to the skate board tricks , I don't know if they are right because I don't skate board*

"Dad, we had to move to Glendale Arizona. That's 36 hours away from Susquehanna." I say stretching my legs on to the dashboard.

"Yes Soph. We did, it was a good offer." 

"Are we close at least?" I ask.

"Yeah, but hey look to your right." My dad says smiling.

I look to the right a humongous skate park is there. I smile comes to my face. We pass the sign, 'Wildfire Skate Park'. I'll remember that. A block away is a little place called Zach's Shake Zone. There's a milkshake and a skateboard and a laser gun on top of the building with a sign that says the name. I'll remember that to try that. 

We take a right after the Shake Zone, and a few seconds later we pull into a driveway. There's a brownish house in front of us, its two stories and has a balcony going across the second floor. I look next door to the right there is a huge two story house, its painted white there shrubs are nice and their driveway looked like it was freshly cleaned.

My dad parks the car and gets out. He walks to the door, pulls out a key and unlocks the door. He flings it open and I run past him. I run upstairs and I run up and down the hallway. "I call this room." i yell at my dad. It's  a cute room with a walk in closet and a bathroom. The walls are white and the floor is wood. 

"I knew you'd like it," he says leaning against the door frame. 

"Wait so we have three rooms?" I look at him.

"Yeah and I was thinking," he pauses and walks so he's next to me. "I was thinking that you could put all your boards and skating stuff in the extra room." 

I look at my dad, "wait are you serious?" I say almost yelling.

"Yeah, but I get the garage," he says with a smile. I give him a hug. 

"Did we bring my boards?" I ask letting go.

"Yeah, I put them in the trunk. Actually that's the only thing in the trunk is skating stuff." He looks at me.

"Oh my, I love you." 

"Going to the skate park?" My dad hollers as I run down the stairs. 

"Yes, when does the U-Haul get here?" I shout from the front door.

"Tomorrow." And with that said I walked outsides opened the trunk and got my board and pads and was out.

 I found my way to Zach's Shake Zone, so I decide to stop. I grab my board and open the door. I walk in and look around its looks like a diner, but in the corner theres a door that I assume leads to the laser tag room and games.

"Welcome to Zach's Shake Zone. Who are you?"

"Sophie Williams," I say sitting at the counter. "And you are?"

"Zach Herron." He says with a smile.

"Your place," I point to the building.

"Dad's. He named it after me."

"And you got stuck working here?" 

"You catch on quick, Sophie Williams." Zach hands me a menu, "take your time." He walks into the back.

I look at the menu, but I hear the door open and the bell ring. I turn around and see a boy with curly hair and highlights walk in. He's holding a all black board in his hand. He sits next to me, and props his board against the counter just like me. 

I look back at the menu, looking at their shakes. I see they have a birthday cake flavor shake. So I'm going to order it. 

"Jack, my man." Zach says, doing a handshake with the boy sitting next to me.

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