Jachary // Zach Herron

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**Zach's pov**

Me: Daniel do you have plans tonight?

Daniel😎: Yeah I'm out with Jonah and Corbyn. Why bro wussup?

Me: nothing me and Jack want the house to ourselves tonight..

Daniel😎: Why?

Me: BeCaUsE ImA giVe hIm ThE gOoD DiCk :)

Daniel😎: so you guys gunna play fortnite?

Me: exactly 🤫

"Jack," I yelled from my room.

"What Zachy," he yelled from the hall.

"We have the house to ourselves." 

His eyes widened and so did his smile, "what should we do?"

I smirk, "can we-"

"No Zachary we can not fuck."

"Why not?"

"Because that's not how this works."

"How what works?" I ask.


"A sexless relationship is a best friendship with feelings and wet dreams." I say calmly.

"Who told you that?" he asked me while taking off the towel the was wrapped around his waist and walking closer to me.


"Oh so you were talking to Corbyn about me?" he asked me his eyes dark full of LuSt.

"Y-yes." I gulped.

"You should be punished," he said as he pushed me down on the bed.

"This isn't a punishment," I say smirking.

He smirks and his eyes sparkle, "oh just wait." 

And he kisses me and it all begins. 

** hi this is short and stupid but idc. If you're Lila i LoVe YoU ThOt 💞. If you're not Lila, you best be Kyera and if you are hi beautiful. If you're cAdEnCe the troll you're still not daddy material :) **

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