Teacher // Jack Avery

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**Hi this is based off one of my dreams and I don't hate the idea of it :) **

-Tuesday September 4th-

I'm walking to seventh period dreading it. I hate English. With a passion. Especially our teacher, Mrs. Robertson. The bell rings and I'm not even halfway to class. Should I skip? No. I mean as much as I hate her class we're reading a good book well an interesting book. I open the door to D building and sigh as an administrator finds me.

"What's your name?" he asks me.

"Rosie McLove." I say. He sighs and hands me a late pass. Then he let me walk away. Is Rosie McLove my actual name? Nope. But was I going to tell the administrator my real name? No.

I step in front of the classroom door and take a deep breath. This can't be worse than any other day. I open the door and walk in.

"You're late." an unfamiliar voice says.

"No shit. I'm five minutes early." I say rolling my eyes sitting down in my seat near the door in the back of the class.

"Are you Ms. McDan?" the voice asks again.

I don't look up from my desk, "depends on who's asking."


"I don't know who 'me' is."

"Hi, I'm Mr. Avery."

I look up, "who the hell are you?"

"I'm your new English teacher." 

"Why are you here?"

"Mrs. Robertson is off on maternity leave." he says smiling.

"Isn't she like sixty why would she be on maternity leave?"

He chuckles, "that's not our business."

"Well," I say standing up throwing my book-bag on my right shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow." I say smiling walking towards the classroom door.

He laughs, "where do you think you're going Ms. McDan?"

I roll my eyes, "my names Scarlett. Better start using it." Then I grab the door knob.

"Well Scarlett, sit down. You're staying in my class. I don't know how you were before me, but you aren't going to be the same." 

I turn around and make contact with him, "you're lucky you're not an eyesore or you'd be writing a referral on your first day." as I finish my sentence the right side of my mouth curls up.

"Take your seat, Scarlett."

I roll my eyes and take my seat and for the next thirty minutes I sit there not taking my eyes off Mr. Avery. He said I would be different with him this time around, well paying attention to the teacher is new. 

-Wednesday September 5th -

I'm one of the last people in class, but I'm not late. 

"Scarlett, nice to see that you showed up." Mr. Avery says as I slump into my seat.

"Aren't you a little young to be a teacher?" I ask him cocking my eyebrows.

"I graduated last year." 

"How old were you when you went to collage?"


"You went to collage for four years, right?"

"Yeah." he says shaking his head. 

"You're twenty-two," I say smiling.

His eyes go wide, "Correct. But don't tell anyone, the girls would be all over me." 

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