Return // Jonah Marais

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**I wrote this off another imagine I wrote, but I didn't like it. So I'm posting this and then the other one next time. sksksk no one actually reads these**

-Jonah's pov-

"It's four in the morning."


"You can't leave now." she whined grabbing onto me.

She won't leave me alone. I knew this wouldn't be a good idea. Sex with no strings attached, it's kind of like asking for strings to be attached. "I'm going, I gotta get home before the old man wakes up."

"But why?"

"Because I'm not supposed to be out tonight as it is."

"Old man grounded you?" she asked rolling off me and sitting up covering herself with her bed sheet.

"Something like that." I say getting up and finding my pants.

"Thank you."

"What for Hales?"

"Coming when I ask you even though you got shit happening at home." she says now locating a big shirt at the end of her bed.

"It's my pleasure as much as it is yours." She nods silently. "But I think this is going to be our last time."

"I think twelve times in a month is one hell of a go Marais." she says smirking.

I look at her and smile, "one hell of a go that I'll always remember." I throw on my shirt and my shoes and then kiss her on the head.

That wasn't the hardest thing ever. I didn't have to explain that I like someone else. Camila and I'm going after her with all that I got.

My hands on the doorknob when Hales says, "I'll see you when you get over her Jonah." I turn around and look at her with a questioning face. "I'll be here when you get over Camila."

"How do you know that it won't be a while?"

"Speaking that I've been waiting to get you in bed since freshman year and it took three, I think I can wait."

I let out a hearty laugh, but then realize that she's being serious. "You waited three years?" A nod. "Was it worth the wait?"

She smiles a shy smile, the one she had the first time she saw me naked, "every time." she whispers.

And with that I'm gone.

I didn't sleep one bit when I got home at four, I climbed through my bedroom window and then laid on my bed phone in my hands trying to find a way to text Camila. And I sat like that for four hours. Then at 6:30 I text her.

Me: Can you meet me at the diner on eighth?

Camila: we skipping or now?

Me: which ever.

Camila: I'll meet you there at 7 :)

I throw on a new shirt and put on some deodorant and brush my teeth and I'm out.

I get there a half hour early and thought about what I was going to say to Camila. At five to seven she walks in her hair damp from the rain outside. She looks around and then places her eyes on me.

"Hey," she says pulling out a chair and setting down her things.

"How is your morning?"

"Besides the rain? Good." She sits down, "how about yours?"

"Decent," I say looking at my hands.

"Can I ask you something?" she says continuing the conversation. I shoot my head up showing her that I'm listening. "See well there's this girl I like..."

I gape at her. Girl? She likes a girl. She's lesbian. Since when? "Okay." is all I can manage to say back.

"And I was wondering how I would ask her out?"

I rub the back of my neck and then lace my hands together on the table. I think wisely about what I say next, "just go for it. But ask her when you're alone. Call her to meet her somewhere or something."

She nods, "that's a great idea." she smiles. "I'm going to get a coffee, want one?"


"What's your order?"

"Just a black coffee works fine." And then she's at the counter.

A few minutes later she comes back and sets the coffee's down and she's silent for a while deep in thought. "I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry about?"

"You texted me invited me here to ask me out, didn't you?"

"Sort of..."

"And you didn't know I was gay."

I obviously didn't. "Nope."

"I'm sorry," she says again.

"Hey, its cool, no harm no foul." she gives me a weak smile.

"I think I'm going to head for school."

"I'll see you around." I sit there for a second. What the fuck. She isn't gay, she can't be gay. I mean I don't care if she is like that's dope, but she's too hot to be gay. Whatever. I grab my phone off the table and call Hales.

"Jonah," she says into the phone like she just woke up.

"Yeah, you home?"

"Yeah why?"

"Stay there." I say grabbing my coat and keys.


"Because I'm coming over."

"What happen to the girl?"

"She's gay."

"Damn, but okay I guess we'll skip today?"

"Read my mind shorty."

Twenty minutes later I pull up to Hales's house and walk in her front door. Her parents aren't home as usual. I walk into her room and she's sitting on her bed on her phone.

"Hey Hales."

"Jonah," she says smiling.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask her while moving to sit on her bed.

"Well our normal, then maybe the movies."

I smile, "yes the movies."

"But after we do our thing?"

"Yes, after I make you orgasm." she laughs as I pull her towards and kiss her lips.

I shouldn't be here right now but being with Hales is the only thing I know.

** the boys are dropping 'Cold in LA' on Valentines day and I'm dropping a Jack Avery imagine tomorrow 😤😤🤗**

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