In My Head // Jonah Marais

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** this is trash and was rushed and and yeah **

-Jonah's pov-

"You're first day at Hanebridge will be great," the guidance counselor said. "The student should be here any second to show you your classes. We're in fourth period, but by the time you go through all your classes you'll be in fifth," she continues. I nod. Then there's a knock at the door. "Come in Camila." she says.

A girl with black wavy hair, a skinny body and one helluva set of hips walks in. "Hey, um I'm showing a kid named Jonah Frantzich around?"

The counselor points at me, "Oh." she says slightly turning pink. "Come on."

I stand up and grab my bag that has nothing more than a pencil and a book in it. She holds the door open for me and then closes it. 

"Um," she stutters. "Do you have your schedule?" she asks biting her bottom lip. I grab the folded piece of paper from my back pocket and hand it to her, our fingers slightly graze each other and I see her become stiff and her cheeks instantly become a deeper shade of red. "Thanks," she almost whispers. She looks down at the list, "First period building B room two-thirteen. Okay." And she walks out of the office and I follow her pushing down a smirk.

We walk down the hallway in silence besides the things that Camila is muttering to herself, something about a boy named Johnny. I'm a few steps behind her so she can speak to herself. Then she walks out the office building and goes into B building. She takes the stairs up, two at a time, hips swaying slightly. We take a left and walk a good fifteen feet and she stops and faces me. 

"This is your first period, it's math," she says. "You're with other seniors obviously." I nod. "We can go in or skip it and go to the next class."

"Next class," I reply. She nods her head and turns back around walking the way we came, but she passes the stairs and walks two doors down.

"Here's your second period, it's science." 

"We can skip it," I offer.

"Good because the teacher doesn't like me." she says laughing.

I look at her with wide eyes, "how could someone not like you?" I ask her smiling.

"Well see when the teacher catches you making out with your boyfriend on one of the desks during their lunch they don't get to happy." she explains turning red.

"Boyfriend?" A girl like her would obviously have one.

"Well the one before Johnny." 



I nod. We walk back downstairs and walk into C building. "French four," she looks at me like shes studying me. 

"As a kid my mom liked french foods and she would always try to say they names and fuck them up," I say rubbing my neck her glance goes from my eyes to my biceps. I put my arm back down and her focus comes back to me. "So I chose french freshman year and stuck with it since."

She nods, "wanna skip it?" I nod and we walk down the hallway towards my next class. 

We get to seventh and I she's explained to me that really we only have six classes speaking that fifth period is just lunch, an hour and a half long lunch. Then I have a study hall sixth and a free period seventh. 

"Well that's all there is to know unless there's any questions." she says turning on her heel to face me. We are now stopped in the middle of the empty courtyard.

"I'm fine, thank you." I say smiling. 

"Well good. Do you start today or tomorrow?" 


She smiles, "well good for you I dragged your tour out and now all you have to do is go to six and seventh." 

I look at my shoes and then back at her, her mouths open like she has something to say, but then she closes it.

"I'm going to head to class," I say pointing my thumb over my shoulder. 


I turn around and start walking, hoping that she'll stop me. 

"Wait," she calls walking to meet me. I turn around. "Here put your number in," she demands handing me her phone. I smile and grab her phone and add my number. 

"Can I go now, Camila?" I ask not breaking eye contact with her.

"Yes, Jonah, you can go." 

I turn around and walk all the way to sixth without looking back.

Two minutes before the bell rings to let sixth period out I get a text.

Unknown Number: Meet me by the gates near the gym after sixth :)

I only know one person in this school and that's Camila, so I text back.

Me: How do I know I'm not going to get murdered?

Camila: Jonah do you have a car?

Me: yes Camila.

Camila: Great, I'm driving. I wanna take you somewhere.

Me: What about your boyfriend Johnny?

Camila: we broke up a month ago.

Me: oh.

The bell rings and I take my time walking to the gate. But when I get there I see her looking flawless standing there looking at her phone typing away. I slowly walk up to her.

"So where are you taking me to hide the body?" I ask chuckling. 

She looks at me and laughs, "we aren't hiding a body today Jonah."

"But at one point we will?"

"No," she says looking at me. "Can I just have the car keys?" I grab them out of my back pocket and hand them to her.

"If your planning on me, let me know please."

"I have a list of things I would do before I killed you," she says fast turning red. "Where's your car?"

I point to the right and start walking.

Then we're in the car. Then on this bridge in the middle of nowhere. And then I turn around and see Camila kissing another girl. 

**This is a dream that Jonah had, btw.**

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