Boomerang // Why Don't We

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**this is short and there will be a part deux**

"You and Daniel are basically meant to be, London." Corbyn says over the phone.

"Well I don't think that he thinks that," I say falling backwards on to my bed.

"Me and all the boys besides Daniel are coming over." Corbyn states.

"Where's-" I start to ask where Daniel is then I stop.

Corbyn sighs on the phone and I hear the car doors close, and I'm connected to the car speakers. "He's in the studio finalizing Boomerang."

Oh. Boomerang. "That's great," I say before I let out a quiet sob that I know for a fact that they all hear. They all sigh.

"We'll be there in twenty minutes." Corbyn says.

"But it only takes ten minutes to get to my house."

"We gotta make a pit stop somewhere." then he hangs up.

I let out a sigh. I was there with the boys when they wrote the rough draft of Boomerang. Daniel on his guitar playing out cords, the first run through. It was rough, but a whole ass diamond. Just like everything they wrote in the year and a half me and Daniel were together.

I drop my phone besides me and look down at my outfit. Sweatpants and a tank top, my normal outfit. I don't decide to change but I do give myself a pep talk and walk over to my dresser. "Daniel won't be here. Just Jack, Zach, Jonah and Corbyn. They are your best friends you can't deny it." I take a deep breath and then look in the mirror, "you're okay. He's not coming. You won't have to look him in the eye." I left out a choking sob, "you won't have to hear his voice." The last thing that Daniel said to me was I'm sorry I can't be what you need right now.

He thinks he was what I didn't need, but to face the facts, he's all I needed. Me and Daniel broke up two months ago and since then I've been a whole mess. Corbyn knows it but he lies to Daniel and says I'm perfectly fine. The only thing keeping me from going off the charts is the pictures and videos and text I have of and from him. I lay back down in my bed and bring the sheets up to cover my face and I fall asleep.

What feels like not even a second later, Corbyn's in my room shaking me awake. "London get up. We have something for you." I groan and open my eyes a little bit.

"What do you want?"

"Go into the living room and see what we brought you."

I shake my head and pull the covers over my head, "I don't want to."

Corbyn lets out a sigh and shuffles towards the door. He mumbles somethings to whoever standing at the door and then they walk away and Corbyn shuffles back to me. He lifts the covers, instantly making me cold, and then slides himself next me and places the covers over us.

"What are you doing?" I ask as he wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me closer.

"I need to tell you something," he says quietly.

I roll over and face him, "what is it?" I ask him. He seems worried.

"Daniel's coming over." I freeze. Daniel hasn't talked to me in two months. He volunteered to give me his key to my house, but I said no.


"He wants to play you the final show of Boomerang before we release it next week."

There's a knock on my bedroom door and Corbyn jumps out of the bed, "come in."

Zach pops his head in, "he's here."

My breathing hitches. Son of a fuck. 

**hehe London is a really pretty name**

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