The House In My Nightmares // Why Don't We

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it was freshman year Halloween and me, Zach, Jack, Daniel, Jonah, and Corbyn. we were walking around and we came across this house that we always cross and like usual it was empty. it's always empty. it had been for four years. we all stopped in front of the house. 

"we should go in." zach said.

the rest of us laugh. 

"that's not happening," daniel said back.

i look at the house then zach and the house again. "maybe we should go." i said looking at the house.

i could feel zach smile.

"i'm in." corbyn said.

"me too." jonah said.

"i'll go."  jack said.

we all turned to look at daniel. 

"i'm not going," he said holding up his hands.

"come on go with us," zach whined.


i walked up to daniel and looked at him with puppy dog eyes, "please?"

he looks at me and throws his head back, "fine." he rolls his eyes and holds his hands out. "are we going?"

we all nod and walk towards the house. 

i'm the first one to reach the door i put my hand on the door and  then pull back. 

"scared?" daniel asks smiling.

i give him a glare, "nope." and then i open the door and walk in.

everyone follows behind until we're all in the house. once we are, we all just chill for a second.

"me and daniel will take upstairs first," i say pointing at jack, zach, jonah, and corbyn. "shout if you see anything." they all nod and i look at daniel, "let's go." he smiles and takes the lead. 

we get upstairs and we both look scared so i grab his hand and lace our fingers together. i see his shoulders loosen up and his breathing goes to being normal

"pick a number one through five." daniel says.

"um okay, 4." 

he pulls me to the fourth door upstairs, "ready." i look at him and nod my head. he takes a deep breath. and then opens the door.

all there is in the room is spray paint on the walls and a really broken bed, i look at him and smile. "daniel," i say lowly.


"can we go to the next room?" 

he shakes his head, "one through four?"


we walk into the second room, its creepier than the last one. there's scratches on the wall and the beds cut up and the mirror once hung on the wall is now broken into millions of pieces. 

"next room?" he asks.

"yeah." i look down and notice that we're still holding hands. i smile.

"one through three?" he ask now.


we walk into was technically the fifth room, "this is nice." i said. its the biggest room in the house. and it actually had everything a normal room would have and it didnt look like it had a satan spawn in it.  "daniel," i said for the second time this night.

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