Big Flirt // Daniel Seavey

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** I have a new tactic for my writing. I'm going to pick a picture and then think of a story concept off the picture, because otherwise I feel like my writing is shit**

-Leah's pov-

I'm chilling on my bed eating pizza watching TV and I get a text. I pick up my phone and see who its from.

*text from Daniel Seavey*

I throw my pizza across my bedroom it lands on my floor, I should wait to open the text, but I open it anyways.

Daniel Seavey: Hey:)

Me: Daniel Seavey?

Daniel Seavey: yes

Me: wow I didn't think you had my number.

Daniel Seavey: The hot nerd in class that hides behind glasses? I think so. 

Me: So what can I help you with?

Daniel Seavey: This geometry.

I laugh, he's a senior and in geometry, I mean good looks and a angel voice gotta have a down fall somewhere.

Me: My parents aren't home, you can drop by in a hour for a while.

Daniel Seavey: what should I bring?

Me: Your textbooks, condoms, water.

I press send way too fast, before I can even think about deleting 'condoms'.

Daniel Seavey: Are you trying to get in my pants?

I giggle slightly blushing, he's not even here and he has this power over me. 

Me: I mean hot singer with abs, a jaw that could cut, and the eyes of a beautiful ocean. I think so.

Daniel Seavey: Someone has a crush.

Me: Sex with no strings is a thing too.

Daniel Seavey: I like the sound of that.

Daniel Seavey: should I even bring my textbook?

I laugh.

Me: Did you ever need help anyways.

He sends me a picture of his last test, he got a hundred.

Daniel Seavey: No :) . I just wanted a reason to text you.

Me: A dick appointment is a reason :)

Daniel Seavey: I'll be there in forty ;)

I smile and drop my phone on my bed and fall back onto my pillow. Daniel Seavey will be at my house. In forty minutes. To fuck. Well my Saturday morning isn't looking so boring after all. I get up out of my bed and look in the mirror, I'm wearing sweat pants and a bralette. I decide to change my sweatpants for some shorts and then I just throw on a big white t-shirt. I look at my phone again, thirty-five minutes. I decide to go like brush my teeth and put perfume on. 

-Daniels pov-

I'll be meeting Leah in about a half hour and I'm dying to send her one more text, so against my better judgement I do.

Me: Your body, so crazy 

I press send and wait. In about five seconds she texts back.

Leah😩🤤: I bet your minds amazing.  

Okay she knows the lyrics to 'All My Love' but what about this.

Me: I know that I shouldn't touch but you twist my heart

  Leah😩🤤 : 'Cause I can never get enough once the feeling starts 

Leah😩🤤: wait are you testing me to see if I'm a fan?

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