Carefully // Daniel Seavey

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**this is going to be odd. I'm trying a writing style where I write off the top of my head and try to delete little as possible**

As a junior, well technically I'm a senior but senior year hasn't started, we're on a trip from Portland to New York City. It's a small group of us there's only eight of us. There's only three females, me being one of them, a random girl I still don't know the name of but she's the daughter of the teacher and then the teacher. We're the only females. Otherwise this trip consist of Jack Avery, Jonah Marais, Corbyn Besson, Zachary Herron, and Daniel Seavey. They were the popular boys in the school, that one group of kids every guy wanted to be in and every girl wanted to be with. But not me. No I didn't hate any of them I just didn't want to sleep with any of them. I mean don't get me wrong they're cute - some of them even more than cute- but I wouldn't sleep with them. Well maybe one of them, but he doesn't even know my name.

"Vivian Stanten," the teacher called.

"Viv," I corrected shoving my phone in my back pocket. "Can I help you?"

The teacher looked at me and exhaled, "you're sharing a room with Mr. Seavey."

I glanced at Daniel and looked him up and down, "does he know that?" I ask her walking closer to her.

"No, but he's about to." She faces Daniel and I instantly become nervous. "Mr. Seavey." she announces.

His head shoots up from his phone and I notice that his eyes are grayish blue. Yet on the bus they were greenish. "Yeah." he says sounding distant.

"You're sharing a room with Mrs. Stanten." 

"For the whole two weeks?" he asks turning red.

"Yes, is that a problem? I can put her with Heather and you with Corbyn." she says making other options.

Daniel looks at me and then at Heather and then at Corbyn and back at Heather. Now at this time Daniel and I could both tell that Corbyn and Heather liked each other, they we're so far in conversation about a supernova it would be wrong not to put them together. He swallowed and ran his hand through his hair, which was longer than normal, "it's no problem at all." he said with a smile.

I turn towards Mrs. Betterson, "There's eight of us including you. Are you sharing- Are you sharing a room with a student?" 

Mrs. Betterson's face becomes red as she puts her hand over her mouth, "no no no. Jack, Jonah, and Zachary are sharing a room."

I look at her and smirk, "but alphabetically shouldn't it be Jack, Corbyn and Heather?" I pestered her with a question.

"Well Heather made the room pairings," she said. All eyes were on us now.

I look at Heather, "so you just magically put me with Daniel? Instead of putting Daniel with his friends?" I ask her.

She takes a step towards Corbyn, nearly impossible to notice if you didn't pay attention. "Well Corbyn thought it would be a good idea to put you with Daniel." 

My neck heats up, but I ignore it. I place my stare on Corbyn. "So Mr. Nasa. Why put me with Daniel?"

He smiles, "Mr. Nasa. I like that." he chuckles. "But I put you with Daniel because ever since freshman year I've watched you doodle 'Daniel James Seavey' then almost immediately rip out the paper no matter what was on it." 

My breathing stops my necks on fire. Corbyn noticed. And he just told everyone. In front of Daniel. "I do not," I reply as fast as I possible.

"Yes you do," everyone but Daniel says. 

"You can't prove it." I state crossing my arms. Beat them there. But then they all pull out their phones, everyone but Daniel and show me. 

"See here's you in science freshman year doodling Daniel's name in cursive on your essay." Jack says showing me and video of me. I glare at the next phone.

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