Tour // Daniel Seavey

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**i totally scammed a book, well a chapter. See this starts with information, then goes to the story. and don't attack me for it starting with Riley and Zach dxnielswdw sorry for making your man cry**


I've been on tour with the boys since they started the 8 letters tour on February 10th, 2019. everything's been swell. It's now April 1st. Its the Florida show in Orlando, and the day before Daniel Seavey's birthday. he's my second closest friend, right after Zachary Herron. Did I mention they both like me? Yeah, well Daniel confessed after the Las Vegas show on March 23rd. And Zach on the other hand didn't mean to confess, he confessed after he got drunk. After he heard the news that his little sister Reese was hit by a car and didn't live. I never assumed he meant it, because he was drunk. But then I overheard him tell Jack something about a girl, but it's save to say that it's about his girlfriend Kay. Kay doesn't like me or the fact that me and Zach are so close - he confessed that when he was drunk, well we were drunk- or the fact that me and him were the only ones together on News Eve. She has it set that me and him did something, yet we didn't, because we were both live a hour before midnight and a hour after. But he over heard me on FaceTime tell my best friend Daisy that I like him, and the only reason why I know he knows is - once again - i over heard him talking to Jack. And this isn't really related to anything that's in that paragraph, but Zach's the only one that knows I'm a virgin. The rest of the guys just assume that I'm not because according to Jonah "attractive 17 year old virgins don't exist." His words, not mine.

- present-

Me, Zach, Jack, and Corbyn are all on the bus. Me and Zach are listening to music while Corbyn and Jack are talking. I guessed they stopped because they are jumping up and down like wild monkeys. I pullout my earbuds and stare at them, Zach does the same.

"Can I help you?" I ask them smiling because they finally stopped jumping up and down.

"Me and Jack are going to lunch, do you guys wanna come?" Corbyn asks. Me and Zach look at each other.

"Nah, I think we'll pass buddy." I say placing my phone between my legs on the couch.

"We'll bring you back something," Jack says smiling throwing on a hoodie.

"Yes sir."

And with that said Corbyn and Jack walk out the door.

I feel like he's looking at me, so I try and talk myself out of it, he's not staring at you. You're imagining it. Nothing's happening. He has a girlfriend. G-I-R-L-F-R-I-E-N-D. Riley, Zach is dating Kay. He doesn't like you, but Daniel does. I sigh a loud sigh, whoops. 

"What's wrong?" 

My head shoots up Zach - who's turning his head to look at me. My point is proven. - asks.

I shake my head, "nothing's wrong. There's just nothing to do so I probably could of gone to lunch with Corbyn and Jack," I confess. Zach's shoulders slouch as I say 'there's nothing to do'.

"We could-" he stops. "Never mind."

I shake my head and walk to the back of the bus, I just don't feel like being with Zach right now, which is odd. Maybe I'll take a nap, my sleeping hours have definitely changed since I've been on tour, I always wanna sleep in.  So I lay down on the couch in the back of the bus. 

I'm laying there listening to music for a while, but then I get this weird feeling that I'm alone. All the boys know I really hate being alone. I get off the couch and walk towards the front, I'm checking everyone's bed, then I get to Zach's. I hear a faint sound of something playing on his phone and his breathing steady, so I assume he's sleeping. 

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