Valentines Day // Jack Avery

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** HAPPY VALENTINES DAY BABIES 💕💕 thank you for over 500 reads, it means a lot.** 

"Baby," I hear slightly while someones shaking me.

I rub my eyes and finally open them, "Yes Jack?"

"Wake up."

I groan and look at the clock, "it's eight-thirty let me sleep." I say rolling over pulling up the covers.

"Fine," Jack huffs. "No Ihop for you then." I shoot up.

"Give me now," I say putting my hands out. He places the Ihop to-go containers on my hands. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I open the box and it's empty besides a letter that reads:

If you get dressed without whining and go with me to this place no questions asks, we'll get Ihop eventually today I promise. - I love you, Jack

I look up at him, "you're lucky you're hot."

"Red and black windbreaker and black jeans and red nikes?" he questions walking to the closet in our room. 

"Sounds cute."

"Also matches me, but yes cute."

I laugh, "you're dressing me."

He grins as he turns around with everything in his hands. "I'm not going to argue." he says placing all the stuff on our bed. He grabs my hands and drags me towards the edge of the bed. He sits me up and goes to the dresser and grabs both a red bra and red underwear.

"Wow reds just your thing today?"

He smiles, "yeah." He's in-front of me again, he shimmies my shorts and underwear off of me and replaces them with the clean ones. After he takes off my tank top giving him a full view of my naked top half. He smiles and then holds out my arms and slides my bra on and clips it in the back. Then he grabs my hands and pulls me up and stands me up to put on my pants, I help him because its not exactly easy putting pants on someone else. Then he unzips my windbreaker puts it around me and on my arms, then pulls it snugly around my body and zips it up. 

"You don't have to put the shoes on I can do that." I finally say.

"Okay good because I need to put my shoes on and we're going to be late."

"Late for-" I start to ask but then I stop.

"Exactly," he says smiling grabbing a pair of socks for him and one for me from the dresser. He hands me the socks as we both sit. "You'll like this place, we talk about it all the time."

"We talk about a lot of places a lot."

He laughs, "I know, but still you'll like it."

"Whatever," I say slipping on my last shoe.

"Can we go?"

He smiles, "let's go. But be quite the guys aren't up yet." I nod and walk quietly out of the house. 

Once we're in the car Jack looks at me and looks like he has something bad to say. "What's up Baby?" I ask him.

"Can you put this on?" he asks holding a blindfold.

I laugh, "I guess." I grab the blindfold and put it on. Where could he be taking me? We never talk about anything besides buying this cute apartment off this old guy on fifth, but we never seriously talked about it so he wouldn't have done it. I mean we've been together for a year and a half, what could he want?

A few minutes later we come to a stop, I hear him park and turn off the car. "I'm going to get out and then let you out, okay?" he asks.

"Alrighty." The car door opens and then he's grabbing my hand directing me out the car, up the curb into a building. He talks to a guy and then they share a laugh, then we walk some more and then a door shuts. Then Jack takes off the blindfold.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"A tattoo parlor." he says holding two pieces of paper and pens, "I thought we would get tattoo's for valentines day." he says smiling like a little boy.

I face-palm. Holy shit. It's valentines day. "Yeah okay, but what exactly."

"We'll both write a sentence or something that means something to us and then we get what the other person wrote tattoo'd on us." he pauses. "Is that a good idea?" he asks nervously seeming to regret the idea.

"It's a great idea, but what if you don't like it?"

"I have an idea I will." he smiles handing me a piece of paper and a pen. "I'm going to go over there," he says pointing at the other side of the room.

A few minutes later I have a neatly written message that me and Jack use when we talk about marriage.

8 letters ≥ big plans

"Ready?" I ask spinning around facing him. 

"Yeah," he says walking back towards me. 

"1,2,3." And then we swap papers. 

"That's unbelievable, how can we say the same thing, but be on different sides of the room?" I ask shaking.

"I don't know it's how we are." he says smiling. 

"So where are you getting yours?" he asks I unzip my windbreaker and show him the place on my rib. "Unbelievable, I was thinking about the same spot."

"Screw it and do it, then we'll really be matching."


I nod and kiss him, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

The artist comes back and then we talk to him about the sketch. He makes the stencils and then asks whos going to go first, I say I will. So I lay down on the table and then he places the stencil on and I take a deep breath before he starts. Then he begins and it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. 

In a god five minutes he's done with mine and he wraps me up and goes through the same process with Jack. 

In less than a hour, Jack and I have matching tattoo's. I smile and grab his hand as we walk out of the tattoo parlor. "Ihop?" I ask smiling.

"Ihop everyday  if it means we can get tattoo's together."

"I mean you can take me to get my next one?"

"Next one?" he asks eyes wide.

"Two weeks from Friday, I go back for another one."

He smiles and mutters, "oh lord what did I start."

"A wonderful day," I say to the open.

"It's barely just started." he says opening the passenger side door.

** Cold In LA came out and it's so good 😩😭😭😍 ** 

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