Bases Loaded // Why Don't We

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**there could be some mistakes in here, to be honest I don't know. Sorry. But enjoy the story!! but before you read I wanna thank dxnielswdw for being the best IBSF I could have and biggest supporter I could have. I love you with all my heart!😘💞 **

My school burnt down three days before school started back up after winter break. I will no longer be attending East Brooklyn High in 2019. Starting in five minutes I will be attending West Brooklyn High. It sucks, it's my senior fucking year and everything I worked for is gone. I was the head pitcher on my school's varsity baseball team. At West Brooklyn, it's Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich, also known as Jonah Marais. He's the star pitcher on Brooklyn Heat. He was my biggest competition in games. His curve ball is one hell of a thing, he has it down to a tee. Now I'm going to school with him.

"Bean I don't wanna go to school with a bunch of assholes," I whine turning down the radio.

"Ellie we'll be fine." my best friend Corbyn says smiling at me.

"Have you seen the varsity team?" I say spinning towards him, "it's full of self-conceded little boys, well fuckboys to be correct."

"So was our team, besides my best friend she was on the team too." he shoots back fast and laughs.

"But at least we could work together, and the boys didn't think it was a big deal that I was on the team they didn't care. For god sake Bean they made a whole little place for me in the locker room, so I didn't feel left out in the celebrations." I say slumping into my seat. "We lost our best goddamn first base player too in the fire." I mumble. "Stupid fucking fire."

"Ellie, we'll be okay stay on the low don't cause problems and when we try out for ball, we'll be fine."

"You will, they won't let me try out."

"You don't know that." he says parking the car in a spot close to the entrance to hell.

"With Jonah and Jack on the team they don't need a second set of pitchers and catchers."

"Coach Rob already said we can try out." He said getting out of the car.

I grab my bag and jump out of the car, "when the hell did you talk to Coach Rob?" I ask walking up to him.

"I called him yesterday after it was confirmed we'd all be transferred."

"But I didn't even say anything about playing ball here," I say looking at him.

"Ellie it's in your blood, you've played ball with the boys since you were four. We've been side by side."

"Well technically we've been at least 30 or more feet apart reading each other's hand signals and minds for ages." I comment full of sass.

"You really want to talk about technicalities?" Bean lifts his eyebrows.

"We aren't even going to talk about technicalities."

"Yeah yeah, where's your first period?"

"It's in b building," I say studying my schedule.

He sighs, "sorry E, mines in d building." he gets really close to me, "what's your lunch?"

"B lunch." God, they love giving me b's.

"I'll see you then if we don't have any classes." He smiles and nods.

I smile and walk away. Today is going to be a very long day, well at least until fifth.

I find my way to English in sit in the very back of the class because the board says sit where ever you want. I see two familiar people walk in a few seconds after I'm seated. Jack and Jonah. They're coming straight for me.

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