Berkeley and Boys pt 2 // Jonah Marais

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note from me: this is for Valen or valen_guti and it didn't end exactly how she wanted it, but she still might find it dope. And idk this ends up being more about Jack then Jonah *sips apple juice*

- Elena's pov -

Tonight, is my date with Jonah. I'm going around the room looking for something to wear and I decide to wear a black dress that goes to my mid thigh. I take off my sweats and hoodie and put on the dress, I walk over to the mirror and look at myself. I look okay.

"Whoa," Jack says as he walks in to our room.

"Hey Jack," I say walking into the bathroom.

"What's with the dress?" he asks sitting on his bed.

"I'm going out tonight." I reply. But then I remember I'm going to IHOP not anywhere fancy, so I choose a different outfit. I grab a pair of regular high waisted blue jeans and a cropped dark green hoodie off my bed, as I'm sliding out of my dress, I hear Jack clear his throat.

"You're really going to change in front of me?" he asks smirking.

"We said it was no big deal changing in front of each other," I say back while putting on my pants.

"But you look like that." he says before sipping his water.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" I ask not knowing if I should be insulted.

"You're hot," he says turning red.

"Funny," I say chuckling as I throw on my shirt.

"I'll prove it to you at one point," he says low enough to where I almost don't hear him.

"Tonight, after I get home from my da-" I pause stop mid-sentence.

"You're going on a date with Jonah, aren't you?" Jack asks sounding hurt.

I say nothing.

"You are," he says weakly.

"Jack, I don't have to go." I say walking up to his bed. "I don't have to go, I can cancel it and we can sit in here all night, just us." I continue sitting down.

"No go on your date," he says softly. "Just remember you said you let me show you something."

"As soon as I get home, I'm all yours Jack," I say smiling.

"But we can't tell the boys or anyone for that fact." he says making eye contact with me.

"Okay." I reply. There's a knock at the door.

"It's me," I hear Jonah say through the door.

"Hey sorry I'm changing give me a second," I yell back. I run to get my shoes and put them on, I go back to Jack and whisper in his ear, "I'll be back by ten and them I'm all yours for whatever you want." I smirk and get this feeling I get in my stomach when I get all sexual with boys, but its only happened with my ex's.

I run to the door, "Hey you ready?" I ask opening the door looking at Jonah.

Jonah looks up from his phone, "yeah."

We take a Uber to IHOP. Jonah talks about his classes and how someone already fell asleep in them, he makes a few jokes. Our hands accidentally touch a few times which make us both chuckle nervously. When we get there Jonah thanks the Uber driver and grabs my hand as we walk towards the door. He holds the door open for me and lets me go in first.

"Two," I say as we arrive at the hostess. She sits us right away and says that our server should be there any minute.

"I haven't been to a IHOP since I was little," Jonah says smiling.

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