Writers Block // Daniel Seavey

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Continuation to the last imagine, but this time this is real life. The last one was a dream so say. I didn't specify it but I don't know. I feel like it makes sense kinda. Idk this imagine just came to me and made sense.

Writer's block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work, or experiences a creative slowdown.

"Daniel you don't have writers block." Zach says while sitting on the couch.

"Yes. Yes, I do." Daniel complains back.

"Dude, no you don't." 

"I swear to god on a scale of one to ten everything I've written lately is like a two."

"EVERYTHING IS A TWO FROM THE START," Zach gets off the couch yelling acting goofy.


"Maybe you need a vacation for a while..." Zach says seriously.

"Um, maybe." Daniel says rubbing the back of his neck. "But where would I go?" 

"Text London.." Zach says looking at the floor. 

Daniel's breathing hitches, "she'd never answer." 

Zach looks up at Daniel and shakes his head, "dawg she'd answer you at four in the morning. Text her." Then he walks by Daniel and pats his shoulder.

Daniel takes a deep breath then shoots London a text.

Daniel: Hey... you busy?

London: No, why?

Daniel: I need a favor. Can I come over?

London: sure.

-London's pov- 

"Corbyn, you gotta get the shit out of my apartment asap." I say hitting Corbyn with a pillow.

He groans, "why?"

"Because Daniel's coming over and you can't be here!" I say rushing all over the apartment.

Corbyn sits up in my bed, "we didn't do anything wrong." Corbyn runs his hands through his hair.

"I don't care what we did or did not do. I mean I love you, but please get the shit out of my apartment." 

Corbyn chuckles, "do you really love me?" 

I stop and look at him and roll my eyes, "I swear to god child if you ever ask me that again I will throw a book at you." 

Corbyn climbs out of my bed and throws on his shirt, "yeah yeah."

"Where did the boys' think you were last night?" I ask.


I turn and look at him, "and then why did you end up here?" I ask.

"Because me and her had a fight."


"Yeah. Plus I didn't wanna go back home and deal with the guys." 

"I get it," I said turning around and walking over to Corbyn who was now sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Yeah, plus it's nice here." he says smiling holding his arm outs. 

Why Don't We Imagines [completed set one]Where stories live. Discover now