The First Day of Summer Before Yale // Zach Herron

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Zach comes through my bedroom window at 10:32 this morning.

"Good morning lovely," he says kissing my head as he sits on my bad.

"Good morning Zachy," I reply shutting my laptop.

"I can't believe we graduated," I say smiling slighty.

"I can, we spent four years in that bitch. I'm happy to be out." he says laying down.

"Don't play me like that, you loved it." I shoot back at him while getting off my bed.

"Most of it, besides the school part." he says laughing.

"But you're continuing to go to Yale," I pause and look at him while pulling a crop top over my head. "You don't need to go to college." I say.

He gets up and walks to my dresser and picks a pair of pants for me to wear, "well yeah I know, but my mom's proud that I even got into Yale and the fact that I got one of the only two academic scholarships in the school is mind boggling." He finishes handing me the pants.

"It's funny that me being the geeky always in the library reading a book would end up with a smarty-pants boy who knows how to play some good ass defense on a soccer field." I say sarcastically while putting on my pants.

"Wow okay attack me like that," he comments back while putting his hand over his heart.

"You love me," I say walking up to him and planting a kiss on his lips. He kisses me back.

"Yes, Emily I do," he mummers as he pulls away for a breath and goes back to kissing me.

I pull away, "as much as I would love to sit in bed all day, we have a lunch to go to." I tell him while I grab my vans.

"Hey, I'm wearing those vans," he says pointing at them.

"Well so am I." I say tugging them on. "let's go we're going to be late."

-skip the lunch-

We're back in my house lying in bed and we're in sweatpants.

"Zach," I say weakly.

"I don't want to go to college being a," I pause and get all red and shy, "a virgin." I admit.

"You're a virgin?" he asks in a soft voice.

"Yeah," I reply.

He looks me in the eye, "there's no need to be embarrassed babygirl it's okay." he says kissing my forehead.

I look at him, "i want you to help." I say confidently.

He smiles, "you want me to devirginize you?"

"Well I mean you are my boyfriend so fuck yes," I laugh.

"Okay when?" he asks smirks.

"Right now," I say kissing him roughly. He kisses me back, I slightly moan as he slips his tongue in my mouth.

"Can we lay down?" Zach asks in a whisper.

"Yes sir," I say smiling. He gently flips us over and kisses me again. He pulls out of the kiss and kisses my jaw and leaves love bites on my neck and lightly takes ahold of my shirt between his pointer finger and thumb, "take it off." he says in a low voice. I take off my shirt and he smiles at my light-yellow lacey bra leaving love bites on my chest, I giggle.

"Zach," I say. He looks at me, "I love you for doing this.." I say as he goes back to leaving love bites on my chest, "can we make this go a little faster?" I ask.

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