Date Night // Jack Avery

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**this is a request from jackaveryluv20 I really hope you like it <3 sorry it took me so long; I've been sick and sleeping a lot and I haven't found a lot of time to write. Plus I've been on spring break. I'm also working on some other stuff, so be ready for that 🤠**

-Jack's pov-

I'm on my way to pick up Ashlee for our date. She doesn't know where we're going, but we're going to the arcade our parent's always talk about. Growing up in the same town our whole lives and being in the same classes, we hung out enough to where our parents have meals, without Ashlee and I. Me and Ashlee are now nineteen and live on our own, like in different places, but very often have dinner or lunch with our parents.

I turn right on to her street and see her standing at the end of her driveway. Her long blonde hair is tied up in a high ponytail, she's wearing a black dress with skinny straps and black laced vans. And she looks stunning. She's not wearing any makeup - then again she's never the type to wear a lot anyways - she sees my car and instantly smiles from eye to eye. I pull up as close to the driveway as I can and roll down my window.

"Hey girl, what's poppin?" I ask her in a goofy voice that I know she loves.

"I think my boyfriend's supposed to be picking me up, but I can't see him," she says laughing.

"Get yo goofy gorgeous ass in the car," I say unlocking the door.

She groans, "fine, you'll do." She walks around the car and hops in and drops her phone in the cup holder. "So Baby how was your day?"

"Well," I start as I head down the street. "I was in the studio today doing my adlibs for the march drop and then Daniel walks in and ruins my fourth take, and that should have been my last." I turn on to the main road. "But then I had to take it two more times, but I finally got it."

"Daniel's mean." Ashlee says laughing.

"It's not funny, I was so mad, we almost had to pull out the boxing gloves."

She turns her head towards me, "oh no don't do that Jonah will disappear again and ya'll won't be able to find him for two days again."

I look at her at we stop at a red light, "I already told you, he went on vacation with Tate."

"Well maybe he only went on vacation with Tate because he got tired of your and Zach's endless flirting," she says in a serious tone.

I try to be serious, but fail and crack a laugh which she soon follows. "You better watch your mouth there Ashlee, it will get you into trouble."

"I love getting into trouble with you," she says grinning.

"Can't you at least wait to make sex jokes till we're driving back to my place?" I ask her.

"Sure," she says putting her hands together and on her lap. "I'll be Daddy's little princess until we get home and I then get to be Daddy's little bad girl." She's trying her hardest to push down a smile.

"At least wait till we get to the date place to start making jokes," I plead.

"Fine."  She says as I readjust the way I'm sitting.

-Ashlee's pov-
Me and Jack got to the place he's taking me on our date and we're at Shoot Out. It's an arcade in town and right now it's not packed. I turn and look at Jack.

"Really? Here?"

He nods and smiles, "you always say you wanna come but you never make it." 

I really always talk about wanting to come, "but you didn't have to bring me."

"I just wanna beat you in air hockey." He says with a grin.

"You won't."

His grin becomes wide, "first one to the door gets paid for!!"  

I get out of the car and run to the door and turn around and he's just climbing out of the car. He walks over to me and smiles, "looks like I'm paying for our date."

"You let me win." I huff crossing my arms.


"I wanna kiss." I say in a baby voice.

"Will it make baby Ashlee happy?" he ask. I nod. "Okay." And he pecks his lips against mine.  

"More." I say.

"More?" He questions. 

Yes more you fucking idiot, but I don't say that. I just roll my eyes and grab the side of his face and pull him close, "I want more." And I kiss him. And I mean kiss him.

He wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me closer as my arms wrap around his neck, the space in between us decreasing. His hips press onto mine and make us take baby steps backwards until I hit a wall. 

I pull away, "okay Mr. no more until after dinner." I say pointing my finger out. 

"Yes let's go have some fun!" Jack says raising his arms. 

"Oh don't get ahead of yourself, the fun won't start till after." I say opening the front door to the arcade.

-Jack's pov-
We're on the drive home and Ashlee is doing everything to keep her hands off me and it's really quite cute. She's folding and then unfolding her hands, playing with her hair, rolling the window up and down, texting, tweeting, editing pictures, anything to keep her from touching me. 

I turn onto the street that my house is on and she finally speaks, "next date I'm driving."

I smirk, "why's that?"

She looks over at me all seriously, "you take too goddamn long to get anywhere." 

"I'm a safe driver not a speed demon. Sorry." I say as I pull into the driveway. I turn off the car. 

"Show me you're sorry.." Ashlee says. 

I look over her at a questioning look and she smirks, oh like that. Okay. "Stay there." I get out of the car and walk around to her side and pick her up and place her over my shoulder. 

"Jack!" She yelps. 

I place my hand on her thigh, "it's fine baby I got you."

I unlock the front door and throw my keys on the counter and walk straight into my room and place her on my bed. She smiles, "my favorite spot."

"Oh you're talking now?" I ask her as I take off my shirt.

"Nope." She says as she slides out of her dress and kicks off her shoes. I smile as she watches my belt closely. "Hurry." She whines.

"Maybe we shouldn't go so fast.." 

"What does that mean?" Ashlee asks sitting up. 

"Undress me." I say slightly becoming warm.


I nod. She smiles and gets up off the bed and kisses me. When she pulls back she giggles. 

"This is different."

"I know."

She looks at my belt then back up at me. I nod. She places her hands on my belt and takes the leather out from under the metal piece. She meets my gaze and I nod her back on, "you're okay." She's going slower than I thought she would, but then again this is different for the both of us. "You can speed this up a little bit," I say through a groan.

**hey okay i kinda died for a while. i'm sorry. here's part one. AND YES I KNOW I DONT HAVE AN ORDER ANYMORE, I'M SORRY. BUT HOLY SHIT THANK YOU FOR 2K READS, YA'LL ARE FUCKING AMAZING. PERIOD.**

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