The Book pt 2 // Corbyn Besson

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** Someone wanted a part two so here you go :) **

"Liv, I haven't seen you and Corbyn talking to each other, did something happen with you two?""No Evelyn, everything is fine. Corbyn just got busy and we haven't talked, but everything is fine." I sayEvelyn didn't know that Corbyn and I haven't talked since the day he found out I liked him. I always still looked at him like I always do. Sometimes I see him glance at me too, but he doesn't look twice. It's been a month and it really hurts not talking to him."Need a drive to school?" Evelyn asks"I'll take the bus." I say, shaking my headI get to the bus stop and see Corbyn standing there. My eyes go wide. Why was he there? What happened to his car? I turn around and quickly walk back home. I see Evelyn and tell her to drive me to school. Wow, this day is going so great. Evelyn drops me off and I go to class.Of course I pass Corbyn in the hallway. I look down at the ground, but I think he looked at me. I sit in class and we have a substitute. I finished my work early and was allowed to go on my phone. I went on Instagram and started scrolling. I start liking stuff and boom, a picture of Corbyn pops up. I accidentally like it and start freaking out on the inside. He wouldn't notice, right? I put my phone down and lay my head in my desk. 

I fell my desk vibrate and I pick up my phone. It says notification because message preview is off. I unlock my phone and see that Corbyn messaged me on Instagram. I almost flipped my desk. I read the message and it said "Hey, I want to talk to you."

I flipped! I waited for class to end and I dashed toward his class. He was just walking out and I pulled his hand to the other side of the hallway. He was surprised and confused."CORBYN MATTHEW BESSON!" I scream

"OLIVIA ALAUNA LEE!" He screamed back

"Corbyn, what did you want to talk about?" I ask

"It's almost time to go to class. Liv, I'll talk to you at lunch." He says

"The last time we did that, we stopped talking." I say softly.

"Liv, I'm sorry we stopped talking, I didn't know how to take in the information of you liking me. I thought it'd be awkward if I tried talking to you. I'm sorry Olivia." He says. He walks away and left me a little sad. He doesn't even look back. We weren't the same, we were never going to be the same. I walk back to my classes and lazily do my work in them. I was way too curious to pay attention to anything. 

I get through my classes and it was off to lunch I go. I walk down the hall heading toward the cafeteria and see some guys talking near the lockers .Those guys were Corbyn's friends, Jonah and Daniel. I slowly walk past them to try and hear what they're saying.

"Yeah, Corbyn is leaving next month. He has to break the news to everyone else." I hear one of them say. 

I was shocked and started walking faster toward the cafeteria. I opened the doors and searched for Corbyn. I spot him with a lunch walking to a table. I start speed walking toward him and almost tackle him. He sees me and gives me a confused look."CORBYN MATTHEW BESSON! Give me an explanation on why Jonah and Daniel are saying that you're leaving the school!" I yell.

He looked startled. He stared at me for a bit but than got up and took my hand."Follow me!" He said.

I complied and he brought me outside, the same place where we last talked. He was pacing back and forth with his hands in his face. I get impatient and grab him, forcing him to look at me."Corbyn, please tell me, are you leaving?" I ask softly

He didn't say anything. He just stared at me for a while. I was trying to get an answer out of him but didn't want to be aggressive. He obviously wasn't okay right now and I didn't want to make him more upset.

"Corbyn, please tell me." I say, bringing my hand to touch his face

"Yes, I'm leaving next month." He says

"Wh-why?" I ask

"I'm moving to Los Angeles, my dad found new work and I can't control it. I want to stay, I really, really do, but I have to go with them." He says.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I ask, already knowing the answer

"We weren't on talking terms. I know we haven't talked in a while, but, I've missed my best friend, a lot." He says

"I've missed you too Corbyn, but when we finally talk again, you have to leave." I say

"I still have a month here. We can hang out everyday up until the day I leave." He says, holding onto my hand

"Ok, we can do that." I say

He puts both my hands in his and brings it up to his lips to kiss them. I could feel myself blush and I could see the smirk forming on his face. I quickly pull my hands back and cover my face. He laughs and we both walk over to the lunch table where his food had sat. Jonah and Daniel were sitting there too.

"What were you two talking about?" Jonah asked, stuffing a fry in his mouth

"Yea, anything a relationship?" Daniel asked, looking down

"No, nothing like that. I was just telling her about my move." Corbyn says.

Corbyn smiles at me and I smile back. Since I didn't get a lunch, I ate some food off of Corbyn's tray. I was happy that we were best friends again.

The month went by quick. Corbyn and I hung out anytime we could. We went to so many places and hung out with Daniel and Jonah too. It was so much fun, but the dreaded day had to come.

 Today, Corbyn was leaving. I was helping him pack throughout the week and today would be our goodbye. He was putting all the boxes in the car and looked at me."I guess this is goodbye?" He says

"Don't say goodbye, this friendship, I don't want it to end." I say

"Ok, Olivia, I love you." He says

"I love you too." I say back. Even though we weren't dating. My crush soon faded away and I was glad to still be friends with him. We said our final words to each other and he got in the car. I watched them drive away and I could feel tears form in my eye. I wipe any tears coming down my cheek and start walking back to my house. Time to comfort myself.

It was now nine o'clock and I was watching Netflix on my couch. It had just started pouring rain so I turned my volume up. During the middle of the movie I was watching, I hear a knock on the door and I pause the movie. I put my sweater on and go to open the door. I open the door and I'm surprised to see what was on the other side.


"Uhh, hi."

** hehe i think this is cute and thank you lila for writing another one i cant thank you enough. I love you.**

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