The Book // Corbyn Besson

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**Hiiiiiii, it's Corb0ne day and I've made Lila wait ages for this. This was wrote by my bff   dxanielwdw shes dope and I love her**

-Liv's pov-

"And I know you'll never see this, but, I love you."

As I wrote the last words in the book I started smiling at the thought of my crush feeling the same way I felt about him. I was writing a book of things I'd love to say to him. I know he'll never see it but writing in it made me think I had a chance with him. I've been writing in it every day ever once I found out that I really did like him. It's been a year and I still haven't gotten over him, I might've started liking him even more.

I look at the time and see that it was 10 pm, the time I usually get the goodnight text from him. I hear my phone ding and I excitedly walk to it. There it was, his name on the screen, "Corbyn Besson just sent you a message." I open it and see that he said goodnight, just like always. I text him back and I go to sleep with a smile in my face.

I wake up and get ready for the school day. I look at my phone and see a message from Corbyn. He was driving me to school. A smile spread across my face. This guy could ask me what the homework was and I would smile, he had that effect on me.

"Liv, you guys are such best friend goals!" My sister said

Did I mention he was my best friend?

"Yea, yea, if only we were more." I mumbled.

I hear my phone ding and see that Corbyn sent me a message saying that he was outside. I quickly ate up my breakfast and realize that I left all my books.

"Evelyn, get my books on my desk, I need to get to Corbyn!" I say, putting my shoes on

"Which ones?" She asks

"Just get all of them, I'm rushing!" I say.

She comes back down with a handful of books. I probably didn't need half of them but I really didn't care. What I cared about was getting to Corbyn. I stuff my book bag and walk outside. I see Corbyn in his car and he waves.

"Liv, why do you have so many books?"He asks as I get in the car

"I was rushing, don't ask, let's just get to school." I say

He chuckles under his breath and starts to drive to school. I always watched him or took little glances at him. He never noticed. Oblivious little child. We finally got to the school after 10 minutes of driving and Corbyn decided to help me with my books.

"You can keep some of your books in here if you want. I don't want it filling up your locker." He said

"Thanks, I probably don't need half of these." I laugh.

 As I put my books down in his car I see him scan my body up and down. I started blushing and pretended not to notice.

"Your outfit looks good, I've never seen you wear a skirt." He says

"Well don't get used to it, I hate wearing them." I say, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear

"Well, you should wear them more often." He says

I feel the heat rising up to my cheeks and I quickly get out the car before he sees. I wave goodbye and start walking to the school. That's what made me feel like he liked me too. He would say stuff like that, stuff that would make me blush. I'd call it flirting. I stop thinking about it and go to class. Halfway through second period, I feel my phone vibrate in my bag and I secretly look to see a message from Corbyn. My heart skips a beat as I open it and see that is says "Can we talk?" It scared me but I replied calmly. He asked to talk at lunch which was in 2 more hours. I was now nervous and impatient. I couldn't get it off my mind.

Lunch finally comes around and I look around the cafeteria full of students looking for Corbyn. I see him and I walk towards him. He looked serious, it was unlike him. Before either of us could say anything, he pulled me outside the cafeteria and next to the wall. He pinned me against the wall with both his hands placed right next to my head. He was breathing hard.

"Corbs, what did you want to talk about?" I ask

"Olivia, I need you to tell me something." He says, backing away

He said my full name, no one does that. This meant he was serious, like really serious.

"Yes?" I say nervously.

"Liv, you left your books in my car and I found one decorated really pretty that said "Things I'd Love To Say To You" He said

My breathing hitched. I knew where this was going. I can't explain this. Please don't tell me he's read it. If he read all the way to the end he would see his name. He would know it was about him. I couldn't say anything and only nod.

"Since I'm your best friend, I felt like I had the right to read it, so I did. I read all of it Liv. All the way to the part where it said it was dedicated to me. Liv, that book is full of love notes. So Liv, tell me something. Do you like me?" He says

He looks me in the eyes, with the way he's reacting I could tell he didn't like me back. I felt like crying but I held it in trying to not show how much he was hurting me on the inside.

"Yes Corbyn, I do like you, I like you a lot. I've liked you since we became best friends, but the way you're reacting shows that you don't feel the same." I say, looking down at the ground

"I don't know how to feel." He says

"What?" I ask, looking up at him

"I honestly don't know how I feel about you." He says

"So you're saying that you've never thought of this before?" I ask

"Well, Liv, sometimes I think about it but-"

"But what Corbyn?" I ask, cutting him off.

"Sometimes I think about it but I still want to be friends, even if I want more." He explains

"What's stopping you from even trying it out?" I ask

"Liv, Christina." He says softly

"You said you were over her. You said they you didn't think about her anymore." I said

"Christina did some stuff to my head when we broke up. I don't feel like dating anyone anymore." He says

"I can fix you Corbyn, I'm different, I'm not gonna do what Christina did to you." I say softly, walking closer to him

"Liv, no." He says, stopping me from getting any closer

"Corbyn, give it a try! Give me a chance! Corbyn I love you." I cry, trying to get out of his strong grip on my shoulders

"I can't." He says, letting go of me

I don't say anything. I've never felt so much pain. I look at him one more time and you could see the sad look in his eyes. I turn around and start walking away. I turn around to look at him, he was standing still looking at the ground.

"I'm always here Corbyn, feelings don't go away that easily. I'll always be here when you're ready." I say

He doesn't look up and I just keep walking. I start wiping the tears flowing from my eyes but they just kept coming back. I could feel the people's eyes on me. I didn't care though. My heart was just crushed.

I know I'm not gonna just stop liking him. He was the light of my life. I'm not just gonna stop feeling things. No matter how many times he will reject me, I'll always feel the same. He can't stop me. I'll always be here for him. I'll always be waiting.

** hi lila wrote this and i want her to start posting imagines, i mean she is the reason i started doing this. she has talent dawg, like Daniel seavey playing guitar talent **

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