i don't belong in this club // why don't we

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**this is short and stupid, but i needed to post and i'm sorry that i havent. I'm working on a few projects right now and plus its my spring break and i'm kind of a mess. sorry. but I love you all and thanks for the reads, I really never thought I would get over how many i have!! :') **

"Zach what if we can't get you in?" 

"Well didn't you rent the whole freaking club for the night?" I ask Jack.

"Well yeah.."

"And it's for your birthday party, so it's not like they can't let me in..."

"But you're under the age.."


"No, I didn't say that.. it's just that what if they don't let you in."

"I mean Corbyn hold's a fake for me.." I say with a smirk.

"A fake what?" 

"A fake ID dummy."

Jack shakes his head, "you get thrown out that's your problem." 

I nod my head, "okay."


I got in. All I had to do was tell the stupid ass bouncer my name and he said "you sure?" and I was all like "yes bitch I'm sure" and now I'm in.

I walk up to Jack, Daniel, Corbyn, and Jonah. "You guys started the party without me?" I ask.

Corbyn looks up and smiles, "you didn't need your fake?"

"Nope. When you're as hot as me it just works." 

He laughs, "you don't belong in the club."

"I don't belong in this club? Fuck yeah I do."

Jonah pops his head up, "Zach shut up, not everythings your bitch."

"Aye don't make fun of me and Jack like that!" Daniel yells.

We all look at each other and start to laugh. After we're done laughing Jack looks at us and "who's ready to drop our song on stage?"

I look at him, "I don't belong in this club."

Jack smiles, "obviously."

**HIIIIII THIS MAKES NO SENSE BUT I WANTED TO WRITE BC IDBITC IS A FUCKING BOP and can we talk about the dancing ughguhguhgugh AnD daniel freakign raps i called it. **

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