Outta State pt 1 // Corbyn Besson

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** Avery in this is a girl and yes i ripped off Jack completely with the boy Jake

Sorry this is long, but i swear it's worth the read**

-Corbyn's pov-

My mom is dragging me on a vacation that I don't want to go on. But she says we need family time. So, like the 'good son' she thinks I am – I'm going – because I want her to be happy.

"Ready honey?" she asks me with her suitcase right behind her.

"Yeah." I reply getting off the couch and walking towards the door.

"Where's your stuff?" she asks stopping me.

"Ma, it's already in the car," I say rolling my eyes.

"Oh okay."

I walk to the car and open the trunk and put her stuff in and slam the door and go to the drives side. I unlock the car and jump in, I didn't even ask her if I could drive us to the airport, I just chose to. Not like she's really going to stop me.

"Do you know where we're going?" she asks me buckling her seat belt.

"The airport, I mean it's not like we're driving all the way to California." I shoot back.

"What's gotten into you Bean?" she asks in a soft tone.

"Don't call me that," I say pulling out of the driveway.

She doesn't say anything.

"And nothings gotten into me, people just need to mind their own fucking business. That's all." I state looking at her, she looks hurt like I meant her. "And I don't mean you, I mean people at school."

"Oh." she says looking slightly happier and then she gets it. "Amber?" she questions.


And with that we drive to the airport in silence.

-Avery's pov-

It's that time of year, well the end of the year. It's the time where me, my mom, my dad, and my stupid older brother Jake go to LA for the ball drop. And every year we go to the same hotel and I go to the same party hosted by the same kids, I have been since freshman year. And I always seem to meet a boy, but this year I don't want to.

"Okay, we should leave in about an hour to start our drive to LA," my dad says causing me to look up from my phone.

"Who are you talking to?" I ask.

"Oh no one. I just was thinking out loud." he says. I nod back in response.

I want this trip to end fast, faster than it normally does.

-Corbyns pov-

We landed. The flight was fine. I slept. And now we're in this fancy hotel – which I don't think my mother could afford herself – but it's nice. My mom checked in and she met this family. The Miller's. I don't know who they are, but I assume they're the reason we're here. My mom and the family are walking straight for me. And she has a huge smile on her face – and the parents – she seems to be whispering to the kids.

"Corbyn," she says getting my attention.

"Mom," I reply.

"This is Jake Miller" she says pointing to a tall built boy with brown curly hair. He does a slight nod. I copy him. My mom gets an even bigger smile on her face, "and this is Avery." she says pointing to the girl who's been catching glances at me since I met her parents. She has long brown hair that goes down to her mid back. She has hazel eyes and a soft smile. She looks nice, too nice.

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