The Art of Giving In // Zach Herron

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** this is the longest piece of shit i have ever written, I'm so sorry**

I shouldn't be stuck here, I really shouldn't. I don't think my mother should be letting me fly from New York City to Dallas Texas just because I got into this world known prestigious private school. I'm living with the so-called Herron's. Myta – the mother – is nice, she's facetimed my mom a lot since I chose to live with her family. All I really know about her is that she has a husband named Josh and three kids.

The oldest name is Zach –and thanks to Instagram- I know he's seventeen, mad fine, and in a band that makes total bops.

The middle child's name is Ryan and he's fourteen.

The youngest name is Reese and she is seven.

But nevertheless, I'm going. I'm on the plane right now, landing in Dallas. Myta said to walk to the Starbucks in the airport and she would pick me up there. I sit down for a while waiting for everyone to get off because I'm stuck in the back there's no need to rush. I finally get out and I skipped right over baggage claim because I didn't have anything but my carry-on bags. Honestly, I didn't bring a suitcase because all my things were shipped to the Herron house three days before I left. I walk to the Starbucks and I instantly get a text.

Myta: look to your right.

I look to my right and see Myta and a little girl. I squat down so I'm Reese's height, "awh you must be Reese." I say smiling.

"Yeah that's me," she says giggling.

"Do you know who I am?" I question her.

"You're Birdie Jones," she giggles again. She leans closer to me and puts her mouth closer to my ear, "you're also the girl that Zachy thinks is pretty and follows."

Me and her both laugh at the same time, but I'm instantly pulling out my phone and I see that I gotten ten notifications, all him and his band followed me on Instagram and Twitter. I shove my phone back in my pocket "you're going to be living with him for the next year. So, don't even think about finding him or his buddies attractive." I say in my head.

Myta smiles and hands me a ham and cheese croissant and then hands Reese one, "ready to go the boys are in the car."

She just said boys, BOYS. "Boys?" I question trying to make my voice sound as normal as possible.

"Ryan and Josh are in the car."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, "oh okay." And we head for the car.

It wasn't a long walk to the car, it was about ten minutes and it was full of giggling – mostly from Reese – and light conversation. When we got to the car Myta said she put my stuff in the trunk even though I sat there and tried to argue. Obviously, she won. So, I got in the car and smiled to everyone as Reese buckled herself in. When Myta returned in the shotgun seat she said that I looked tired and that I should take a nap because the drive back to the house is a good hour.

I unlocked my phone and put on my 'Why Don't We playlist' and stuck my head phones in. I realized I haven't posted on twitter, for my 98k followers, so I screenshot my lock screen with the song I'm listening to and caption it "@imzachherron looks like you have a fangirl comin' to your house 🤣" in minutes he retweeted it and commented "good for me :)" and then I fell asleep in a calm nap.

I was woken up by a car door opening and me falling out of the car, "oh shit." I heard a voice say as they wrapped their arms around me. I opened my eyes slowly and saw a boy with curly hair.

"Jack Avery?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"That's me," he says smiling.

"Aren't I at the Herron's?" I ask confused.

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