Outta state pt 2 // Corbyn Besson

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-Corbyn's pov-

Me and Amber stayed on the phone for an hour yelling at each other about why I wasn't there and how the break up was my fault, even though she cheated on me. At the end of the call I didn't yell anymore. I didn't scream anymore. I didn't cry anymore, I don't think I could cry anymore. But really at the end of the call, I didn't love Amber. I thought I did, but I guess overall it was a lie. I was the one that ended the call. I said a hard goodbye and immediately hung up. I tossed my phone on the bed and flopped down next to it.

"Wow," I said to nobody but myself. "I don't like her anymore."

There's a knock on my door, it's four in the morning who the hell would be up? Then a cute girl flashes in my mind, Avery Miller would be up.

I walk to the door and open it.

"Avery Miller, why are you up at this hour?"

She smiles at me, "because you're up at this hour."

I stand to the side and let her in, "be my guest."

She walks in full of confidence and then sits on my bed and pulls her knees to her chest. "You okay?" she asks after a minute of silence.

"Yeah, why would you ask that?" I say sitting beside her.

"Because for the past hour, I've been sitting at your door listening to you scream at your ex."

"You listened?"

"You looked mad and annoyed and sad, so I followed quietly."

"Oh," I said softly looking down at the bed sheets. I hear and feel her shift in the bed. She lifts my head back up.

"Spill." she demands. Then she drops her hand knowing she has my attention.

I take a deep breath, "Amber's my ex. She's mad that I'm not home, she's mad because I won't answer her calls. She's mad about everything and she's the one that broke up with me."

Avery nods her head slowly while slowly leaning towards me. She licks her lips, I know what she's about to do. As much as I couldn't take getting attached to another girl, I wanted to be attached to Avery.

She reaches my lips and questioningly puts hers on mine, I kiss her back. We both sink into the kiss knowing that we shouldn't.  She wraps her hands around my neck as I push her down on the bed so we're laying down.

We kiss until our lips are numb and then we pull back for air and to take our clothes off. 

We're both undressed and I remember I don't have condoms.

"I don't have anything," I sigh letting my head drop between her shoulder and neck.

"It's okay, I'm on the pill."

And those are the best words she could ever say because minutes later our hips are rolling against each other. While she lets out beautiful moans I let out some, what she says, hot groans. 

New Years Eve kiss won't be such a big deal, but I don't think we'll tell Jake that. 

**this is the shortest thing I've ever uploaded.. 527 words**

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