Double Date // Daniel Seavey

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*once again this is for my best friend , you can fight me*

-Lila's pov-

Tonight, me and my best friend are going on a double date. Well really, I'm going on a date with my boyfriend Daniel. And Bella's going on a date with Zachary. Me and Bella don't know where we're going the boys said they wanted it to be a surprise.

Bella like always has been ready for a half hour, yet she took the easy way out of this and dressed cute and casual. Me on the other hand I took the time to find a cute dress and then I paired it with a red flannel to go around my waist and some cute boots. Then I also straightened my hair and put on some makeup, but Bella somehow looks cute too. She's wearing high waisted black jeans with rips at the knees and she's wearing a yellow and black striped crop top with black vans, knowing her she probably matched with Zachary. (authors note: I refer to Zach as Zachary in this because me and Lila have a joke where we call Zach Zachary and I think that it's funny) Her hair is down in its natural wavy state. And she isn't wearing any makeup because that's how Zachary likes her.

"Lila let's go," Bella yells from the couch. "The boys are five minutes away."

"Okay okay," I shout back walking into the living room. "Did I try to hard?" I ask sheepishly.

"You always try too hard, but you look amazing." She says walking up to me. There's a knock at the door.

"I don't know how I always manage to make time like that," I say laughing, she soon joins.

"Don't know." There's another knock at the door, "Daniel we're coming." she yells which makes us both laugh.

We grab our phones and bags and walk towards the door and here's this beautiful boy standing there, "Baby you look amazing," Daniel says.

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." I reply blushing. He leans in for a kiss and I meet him halfway.

"You guys haven't even made it to the car," Bella says laughing.

Daniel pulls away from me his arms still wrapped around my waist, "Zach's in the driver's seat." he says smiling.

"Never mind continue on," she says before running to the car and jumping in the passenger seat.

-Bella's POV -

I Jump into the passenger seat and I see Zachary sitting in the driver's seat. "Hello Zachary," I say with a huge smile.

"What did I tell you about calling me Zachary?" Zachary asks looking at me trying to be mad.

"You said I wasn't aloud to do it," I say lean over to give him a kiss.

"But you still do," he says leaning towards me.

"Yeah because no matter what I call you, you'll kiss me." I say as he plants his soft lips on mine. I pull away fast after one kiss and smirk at him, "after our date."

"Why?" he whines.

"Because knowing you and Seavey this could be a shit show." I say laughing.

"Daniels part maybe, mine though is dope as fuck," he says tapping on the steering wheel.

"You say that now," I shoot back as Lila and Daniel get in the car.

"Yo, Daniel what spot we going to first?" Zachary asks while putting the car in reverse.

"Umm," Daniel stutters while looking at his phone. "The first spot."

"Okay," Zachary says turning left out of the driveway.

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