Best Friends Brother // Jack Avery

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** this is totally a Victoria Justices reference to 'best friend's brother' sksk. Sorry this is so trash :) **

-Information from Lexi's pov-

Me and Ava Stanford have been best friends since we were 4. Now we're seventeen. That's a whole ass thirteen years, wowza. But with that Ava's always had older siblings and a little sister. 

She has a older sister named Sydnie that's four years older.

A older brother named Jack Avery that's a year older.

And last but not least a little sister that's seven years younger, her names Isla. 

Since before I could remember I had a crush on Jack and it was always easy to see him since I was always at Ava's.

-Present Time-

 Ava thought it would be fun to go to the party of the year. Jack went and when Ava said something he yelled at her for wanting to go. So she called me and now I'm sitting on her bed on a really cute outfit, dying for her to get ready faster. Even though I'm dreading the whole 'you actually have to go to the party' thing. See I'm really not the big party type. I'm more like the really bold person in outside school situations in small groups. And I sorta hate it because of the fact that I don't like parties Jack thinks that I'm a 'goody goody'. I mean it doesn't help that I've walked around his house in everything from nightgowns when I was four to sweatpants and hoodies at seventeen. But when it comes to fashion in public you would think that I'm the party type lmfao.

Lexi's outfit :)

Lexi's outfit :)

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Finally Ava comes out wearing this:

She's not really the type to get all dresses up - which is one of the things I love about her- and normally I'm the same way, but something inside of me was like 'just look a lil cute for this party bitch' so I did

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She's not really the type to get all dresses up - which is one of the things I love about her- and normally I'm the same way, but something inside of me was like 'just look a lil cute for this party bitch' so I did. Ava wouldn't be able to go to this party if it wasn't for me because she can't drive. 

"Can we leave now we're already late," she complains checking herself in the mirror. 

I look at my phone, it's 9:30. "The party has barely started according to Jack's snapchat story two minutes ago." 

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