Chemistry // Corbyn Besson

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* I started this like four days ago and then I started writing another one and then I rushed this lowkey. This wasn't supposed to be exactly like this, well actually nothing like this but oh well **

I walk into my chemistry class and I sit in my usual seat next to this kid who's name I still can't remember. The instructor starts class and he's talking about how we're having a project due in a month and then the door opens. I turn around to only see Corbyn. He's five minutes late, to him that's twenty minutes early.

"Mr. Besson you're late." the instructor says.

"I know, I'm sorry." he comments back while taking his seat behind me.

The instructor continues with what he was saying ''So yes you have chemistry projects. They are due in a month on October  19th, I'll assign partners. Until you hear your name be called do whatever." 

Now the chances of me getting put with someone who actually has a good work ethic is like 2/10, but oh well.

"Besson and," he pauses. "And Collins. You're partners."

I drop my head on my desk, "you gotta be fucking kidding me." I murmur to my myself. 

"Katie, right?" I hear Corbyn say as he taps me.

"Um, yeah." I reply while picking my head up.

"Haven't I met you before?" 

"We've been in the same chemistry and physics classes since freshman year."

"Oh." he says sitting down in the seat next to me which a guy used to sit in.

"So," I say dragging at the o.


The instructor dismisses class, I get up. "Meet me at Seavey's at seven. Tonight." 

"Your number?" Corbyn asks with a smirk.

"Nope, not till tonight." I say with a smile as I grab my things.

"How will I know if you go?" He questions getting up.

I walk away and turn around, "You're going to have to trust me and show up yourself." I say as I walk out the door leaving him in the class room.

- skip a few hours its 6:30 -

Its 6:30 so I decide to get ready to meet Corbyn. I already texted Daniel telling him to save me and Corbyn a table. He laughed and was like 'you're hanging out with my best friend' and then I explained the reason and he was like 'sounds like something that would happen to you'. 

I decide to throw on something quick whatever i grabbed first. I grabbed a black spaghetti strap crop top and a yellow checkered skater skirt. Great. I put it on and take my hair out of the messy bun it was in. It's 6:45, I grab a pair of regular high top  vans. I grab my phone off my counter and walk out of my apartment. 

I only live five minutes from Seavey's, so I don't have to rush on my way there. I take my time because I know I'll be the first one there between me and Corbyn. I walk in and its empty.

"Katie," Daniel yells walking around the corner out of the back.

"Dani," I say giving him a hug him returning it.

"Where do you wanna sit?" he asks looking around.

"A booth that has a outlet and, um a place that you won't sit anyone around us."

"Over here," he says walking towards a corner.

"Great," I comment sitting down. "But can me and Corbyn use your laptop?"

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