Chapter 33: Extended Family

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"There sure are a lot of Pokemon around here." Emmy stated as the three of them trudged through the forest. There were tons and tons of different Pokemon, all completely wild.

"I think we're in the Safari Zone." Zia replied, looking around. Zia noticed one of her pokeballs had fallen out of her bag. "Oh! Sorry Vinnie!" Zia apologized through the pokeball as she picked it up. She could just tell which pokeball was for which Pokemon, call it a sixth sense. "That could've ended badly had you not noticed." Sky cringed, not liking the thought of accidentally leaving one of her friends behind.

"Yeah." Zia agreed, about to put it back in her bag. "Freeze! Drop that pokeball!" A voice yelled as Zia turned to see Officer Jenny pointing a gun at her. Zia's eyes widened, not expecting this turn of events. "My name is Jenny, Safari Ranger. You're under arrest for Pokemon poaching." She declared.

"You misunderstand ma'am. This is my own Pokemon's pokeball. I had no intention of catching any Pokemon." Zia told her, getting a suspicious glance. "Prove it." She stated. "Help me out Vinnie." Zia said as she released the Bulbasaur.

Once out, Vinnie guarded Zia, standing it front of her with his vines out. "Don't threaten Zia, you crazy woman!" He shouted, though Jenny had no clue what he was saying. However, she got the message and put the gun down. "Fine. I believe you. But you'll still have to come with me." The older woman ordered.

Zia sighed in relief. "Alright. Thank you Vinnie." Zia said as she returned the Bulbasaur. The four of them all went back to Ranger Jenny's tent. Inside was a huge map of the whole area. "This is a national Pokemon preservation area. It's here for the raising and protection of Pokemon." Jenny informed.

"I didn't exactly realize, but either way I didn't come by to catch any Pokemon. I'm sorry for the trouble, though." Zia apologized. Ranger Jenny sighed. "It's fine. I'm sorry as well, I jumped to conclusions." She said.

"Glad that's all cleared up." Emmy muttered, wanting to leave and get moving. Before that could happen though, a red light flashed on the map as a beeping sound was heard. "It's a poacher!" Jenny exclaimed as she ran out of the tent, getting into her jeep.

Zia ran after her. Emmy groaned, already knowing what the girl was doing. Sky nudged the Serperior, telling her to get over it. "Let me help you, Jenny. I want to make up for the trouble earlier." Zia pleaded. "Thanks. Get on in." She said as Zia got into the vehicle.

Ranger Jenny floored it, the rough terrain making the jeep bounce around everywhere. When they got to the plain area where the poacher signature appeared, Zia could make out a herd of fairly large, mainly brown, Pokemon. They each had a smaller, purple, version of themselves in a little pouch.

Kangaskhan: The Parent Pokemon
Raises its young in its stomach pouch. Won't run from any fight to keep its young protected.

Suddenly, something flew in the air and they could hear a loud sound. "What was that?" Zia asked. "Over there, poachers!" Ranger Jenny exclaimed, looking over to the side. Zia looked as well, seeing three figures in the distance.

"It's Team Rocket. Annoying leeches, can't they give me a break? We have to stop them." Zia said the last part to Jenny. "I'm afraid if we're going to stop them, we're going to have to run away first." Jenny stated as Zia looked at her in confusion.

A tremor could be felt as the girl looked over to see the herd of scared Kangaskhan stampeding towards them. Jenny floored the jeep backwards, trying to get away from the charging Pokemon.

However, they were faster and were beginning to catch up. As they were about to trample over everyone, Jenny turned the jeep, narrowly avoiding them. As they continued to run, they were stopped by a net being thrown on top of them, capturing them.

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