Chapter 39: Fossil Rush

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Zia and her companions arrive in Grandpa Canyon, an ancient site filled with ancient things.

As they travel through the area, they come upon an interesting sight. "What's going on?" Zia asked as she looked at the group of people walking down a path. They all had backpacks and some had pick axes and shovels. "I wonder what they're doing." KC pondered.

"Don't you know anything?" A voice mocked as they turned around to see Gary Oak in a miner's outfit, with a pick in hand. "Zia, you're just as clueless as ever, huh?" He asked as Zia rolled her eyes. "Who are you?" KC asked, confused.

"Name's Gary Oak. The best Pokemon trainer around. Who's asking?" Gary questioned. "KC Thompson. I'm traveling with Zia." KC replied, that goofy smile on his face. "Don't know why you would. She'll never be as great as me!" Gary exclaimed.

"Whatever, Gary, no one cares. Why're you playing dress up anyways?" Zia asked, looking at the over-the-top outfit he has on. "I'm not! Haven't you ever heard of the Pokemon Discovery? Even a nerd like you should've heard about the great fossil rush." Gary answered.

"Gary, Gary, he's our man. If he can't find them, no one can!" A group of cheerleaders cheered. They even had uniforms and pompoms. Gary smiled and waved, thanking them. "Well, I have to go find some fossils before anyone else does. Can't waist my time hanging around with a loser like you. Catch you later, Zi-Zi." Gary said to Zia before running off.

She growled at him a little as she raised her fist in the air. "I can't wait until I get to battle him again, take him down a few notches. See who's the loser then." She muttered angrily. "How about we just find a fossil before Gary does? That'll show him." Emmy suggested.

"Well, I'm not to sure allowing kids to handle old fossils is the best idea, but just merely finding it won't hurt I guess." Zia shrugged as they began to follow the crowd of other miners, narrowly missing taking a nap on the side of the road by a familiar pink puff ball.

They followed the rest into another part of the Canyon, where most of the people were already digging. "We better hurry if we want to find a fossil before anyone else." KC stated. "All these people and no one's found a fossil? I wonder if this fossil rush is even real?" Sky asked. KC looked at Zia, confused.

"She's thinking the whole thing is a scam." She clarified. "You never know." He shrugged in response. "What's taking those two so long?" A familiar voice asked a little ways away.

Zia and the rest looked over to see Meowth standing on a cliff. "Humans. The only thing you can depend on is that they're always undependable." He muttered in annoyance before Jesse and James popped up from behind a rock. They did their intro before being interrupted by Meowth with a smack on the head from a toy hammer.

"Cut the poetry. I bet you two clowns didn't even plant the dynamite like you were supposed to!" Meowth yelled. "Wrong again, fur ball." Jesse exclaimed as she took the toy hammer and hit Meowth with it, sending him into a rock wall. "Of course we planted the dynamite." She added.

"Once we blast Grandpa Canyon to smithereens, we'll be able to scoop up all those Poké fossils." James said. "Next time, I'll make fossils out of you!" Meowth screamed as he got up.

Meanwhile, Zia and the rest were now concerned. "They're going to blow up the Canyon!" KC restated. "All the people digging here are going to get caught up in the blast." Zia said worriedly. "Alright, the plan. You and Kirlia go around and get everyone out of here. Emmy, Sky, and I will stop them." Zia said as KC and Kirlia nodded, running down to the miners.

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