Chapter 38: The Ultimate Lullaby

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"So, how does this whole telepathic thingy you have work exactly? Is it like how Kirlia does it?" KC asked as they traveled through the desert.

"Not exactly. I'm supposed to be able to talk with any Pokemon that I have a strong connection with with just our thoughts, but I haven't practiced much yet. So for now, I have to talk out loud for them to understand me, but I can understand what they're saying when they talk as well." Zia explained as they cross another sand dune.

"Zia! Where'd you say this town was again? I'm tired and thirsty!" Emmy complained. "I'd rather not spend the night out here either." Sky added. Kirlia was pretty much fine, sitting in KC's arms. Meanwhile, KC and Zia were also tired and thirsty.

"Shut it. We all are Emmy. And we're not spending the night out here, we'll find the town." Zia assured. "What did they say?" He asked, not understanding. "Emmy was complaining and Sky doesn't want to sleep out here." She elaborated.

Suddenly, they could spot lights in the distance as a town came into view. "Ha! Told you." The girl cheered. As they made their way into the perimeter of the town, they noticed something quite bright.

"There's so many lights here. It's so bright, it's like it's still daytime." KC stated as they walked around. "I believe this place is called Neon Town according to my map. People love to come here since it's open day and night." Zia informed as someone bumped into her.

"Hey, watch where you're going, little missy." The man yelled. "Excuse me? You bumped into me." She shot back, not going to be a little doormat and apologize when it wasn't even her fault. "Oh yeah." He said as he and Zia glared at one another, getting into each other's faces.

"Zia, just apologize and let's go." KC said. Zia then turned her demonic glare to him, shutting him up right away. "He. Bumped. Into. Me." She stated firmly. He just nodded, not wanting to argue with her, she's scarier than a rampaging Gyarados.

Suddenly, sirens were heard as Officer Jenny pulled up. Jenny jumped in between Zia and the man, keeping them apart. "All right. Break it up, you two! There's no fighting here." She ordered. "That little puny flower girl's not worth it." The man turned away.

Zia growled, raising her fist as she watched him walk away. "That jerk!" She shouted. "You kids shouldn't be walking the streets at night." Jenny scolded as Zia calmed down. "We're sorry Officer Jenny. We just got into town." KC explained. "Then go find yourselves a hotel or something. People around here are pretty short-tempered!" She yelled at them.

"Oh really?" Zia asked. "They're on edge because they stay out all night and don't get enough sleep. You kids should find a hotel, get a good night's sleep, and mind your own business." Jenny ordered before driving off to stop another fight.

"I don't think the town's the only one on edge." Zia mumbled, meaning Officer Jenny. After that, they found a hotel as suggested and slept. Or at least tried to.

Next morning, they all walked outside to see the townspeople already awake, and arguing. "Do they never sleep?" KC asks as they look around. "Apparently not. And I thought I was moody when I didn't get to sleep enough." Zia muttered. "Oh trust me, you are." KC whispered mostly to himself.

"What was that?" Zia asked with a smile. KC wasn't sure if she actually heard him or not so he just chuckled awkwardly. "Nothing, just talking to myself." He excused. "Can we just get moving? This place unnerves me." Kirlia asked. "I second that." Emmy sighed, Sky nodding in agreement with the other two.

"I guess we move on then." Zia said as they began to make their way out of the town. They finally got to the woods and took a breather. "It's so much nicer in the woods, so quiet." Sky stated as they walked along. "True. It was so loud back there, I couldn't get any sleep." Zia sighed, rubbing her eyes.

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