Chapter 66: Ready to Rock and Rumble!

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"Here comes Bruno, the fighting-type specialist of the Elite Four! A man whose physique fits his preferred type extremely well." The announce introduced Zia's next opponent.

The giant of a man walked to his side of the field. He was shirtless, the first thing Zia noticed, only wearing a tattered white pair of shorts, held up by a black belt. He had long, black hair tied into a ponytail and had a hard look on his face. The announcer was right, he did fit the profile of a fighting-type specialist.

He stared at Zia from across the field, staring her down with that serious look on his face. It made Zia feel a little uncomfortable, nobody having ever looked at her with that level of intensity before.

"Each trainer, please send out your first Pokemon. This will be a 5 on 5 battle, first side to lose all 5 Pokemon will lose." The ref said quickly, knowing the two battlers already knew the rules.

"Go, Onix." Bruno started as he released the giant rock/ground Pokemon. The huge boulder serpent shook the stadium as it landed, towering above everybody. Zia was a little shocked, not exactly expecting this type of Pokemon when there was so much already revolving around Bruno's fighting Pokemon.

"Alright. Kai, let's start this off." Zia said and released her Blastoise. The bulky water-type landed on the field, already glaring up at the gigantic Onix. "Begin!" The ref shouted.

Neither trainer made the first move for a few moments, each staring the other down. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to the crowd, Bruno went first. "Onix, slam." He ordered.

The rock/ground-type moved forward and raised its tail, prepared to hit its opponent with it. "Protect, quickly." Zia told her Pokemon, knowing even one hit from an Onix would cause some major damage.

Just as the Onix's tail came swinging down, Kai held up his hands as a blue shield formed. The protect stopped the slam in its tracks, doing no damage whatsoever. The Onix backed off, knowing it wouldn't get through.

"Now, water pulse." Zia continued. The Blastoise formed a blue ball of energy between its hands as he sent it towards the opposing Pokemon. The ball hit the ground as a wave of water appeared, flowing powerfully over the Onix.

It cried out in pain, not liking the water one bit. "Use rage." Bruno ordered, watching as his Onix glowed red for a moment before it disappeared, making Zia a little confused. She's heard of rage, but she has never actually seen it before.

"Hydro pump, Kai." The girl added, wanting to get as much damage off as possible. He nodded and aimed the cannons coming out of his shell. Each released a stream of highly pressurized water that hit the giant Pokemon, causing it to wince once more.

However, it still stood, ready to fight. Zia admired that, it shows that the Pokemon has a lot of willpower and was raised quite well. Especially since rock-types have almost no tolerance for water.

The red glow appeared over the Onix again before fading away. Zia tilted her head, knowing it was doing something but she had no idea what. "I don't like this. Rain dance!" She exclaimed.

Kai shot two blue orbs from his cannons as they went up into the sky. Clouds formed overhead as rain began pouring down, causing the Onix even more distress. On the other hand, Kai relished in it.

Zia pushed the hair sticking to her face out of the way, not wanting anything to hinder her ability in this match. She carefully observed her opponent, who didn't seem concerned at all. Bruno just stood there, watching his Pokemon with a confident gaze as it glowed red once more.

"Onix, slam again." He ordered strongly. The three simple words sparked something in the bigger Pokemon as it focused its sight onto Zia's Blastoise before charging. Zia knew something was different about the attack this time and she wasn't going to chance Kai's health to find out.

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