Chapter 60: Finale

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"Begin!" The referee shouted. It was the beginning of the seventh round and Zia was facing off against a girl named Assunta.

"Rhydon, take down!" Assunta ordered as her Pokemon charged. "Ciana, jump behind it and use ice punch!" Zia called to her Electabuzz. As the Rhydon was right up on her, Ciana jumped over it and landed behind the opponent. The Rhydon stopped in momentary confusion.

As it was distracted, Ciana's fist was surrounded in an icy blue glow as she punched the Rhydon, sending it flying forward as it skidded across the ground. The ice-type move did a lot of damage, but the Pokemon got up. Zia wasn't surprised, of course these Pokemon would be tough. They didn't make it into the semifinals for nothing.

"Rhydon, use earthquake." Assunta tried next. Her Rhydon jumped into the air and landed with a strong thud, the ground beginning to shake. It created shockwaves that attacked Ciana, the ground-type move doing a lot to her.

She fell to her knees in pain as the move subsided. "Ciana!" Zia yelled worriedly. The Electabuzz slowly got up, glaring at the Rhydon. "Alright, discharge then quick attack." Zia ordered, getting a confused look from her opponent.

Ciana released a bunch of electricity towards the Rhydon as she started to run at a fast pace. The Rhydon merely stood there, not threatened by the electric-type move. It hit, but as expected, did nothing.

However, that's when the Rhydon was sent flying through the air. Zia had known she could use the electric moves as a decoy to get close to the Rhydon, and it worked, Ciana had successfully landed the quick attack. "Now, cross chop." She continued.

Ciana nodded and jumped into the air after the Rhydon. Her arms glowed white as she formed an 'X' with them. She then cut them diagonally across the Rhydon, sending it into the ground. The Electabuzz landed as well, a few feet from the opposite Pokemon.

"Rhydon is unable to battle! Electabuzz wins!" The ref said. Assunta returned her fallen Pokemon. Zia did the same after thanking Ciana. "Go, Venomoth!" She shouted, releasing the purple, moth-like Pokemon.

"Come on out, Flair." Zia called as she released the Rapidash. The flaming horse neighed and stomped the ground in excitement. "Begin!" The ref started. "Venomoth, gust!" Assunta commanded.

Her bug/poison-type flapped its wings as a strong gust of air attacked Flair. The Rapidash held her ground as the wind seemed to actually fuel the fire on her mane and tail. "Wrong move. Flair, flame charge!" Zia ordered. Her Rapidash was then surrounded in a blazing ball of fire as she started to gallop.

Flair, once reaching below the Venomoth, jumped up and hit it, sending it flying as it fell to the ground. "Quick, fire blast." Zia said. Her Pokemon nodded as a piece of flame came from her mane. It grew and formed the kanji for fire before heading towards the opponent.

The fire blast overtook the already injured and vulnerable Venomoth, ending the fight. "Venomoth is unable to battle! Rapidash wins!" The ref ended as Assunta retrieved her Venomoth.

"Thanks, Flair." Zia said before returning her. "Tentacool, go!" Zia's opponent said as she called out the jellyfish-like Pokemon. "Iri, light 'em up!" Zia said as she released her Arcanine.

The big fire dog howled in excitement before giving a fangy smirk to the water-Pokemon, who was now slightly intimidated. "Begin!" The ref started the battle. "Iri, extreme speed." Zia began this time. Her Arcanine began to run so fast, that his hind legs were a blur. He became surrounded in a white and clear aura.

With barely any warning, the Arcanine slammed into the Tentacool. It landed closer to its trainer as it shakily got up. "Bubble, Tentacool." Assunta ordered. The Pokemon shot out little spherical shaped water drops as they flew towards the fire-type.

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