"Carl.....meet bella"

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——-Outfit 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻——-

I get to a tree and climb on the lowest branch and I drink the water "I have to find that camp, they must have some good stuff" I smirk, looking down at all the walkers under me


Rosita and Spencer stand next to the car, rosita slams her hand on the top of the car "dammit, we are already low on ammo, now we have to walk back!"
When they get to Alexandria rosita yells to Eugene "Eugene!.....open the gate!" He opens the gate and rosita pushes past him, rick walks up to her "rosita?, what happened out there, where's the car?" Rosita curls up her fist "some crazy bitch with a crossbow attacked us, she popped our tire and took my gun!" Rick covers his face with his hands "Sasha!" Sasha runs over "yea?" "We need extra protection on the wall tonight" she nods and runs over to the wall with her gun, he looks back to Tara and Spencer "was it one of negan's?" Spencer shakes his head "she thought that we were, she was alone" rick nods "we'll deal with this tomorrow"


Rick walks up to his house, he walks into the kitchen and grabs a beer, Carl's sitting at the table feeding Judith "hey dad, is everything ok" rick looks over to him "no.....a woman with a crossbow attacked Rosita and Spencer while they were on a supply run" Carl gets up and puts Judith in her crib "are they ok?" Rick nods "there fine, but she took Tara's gun" Carl runs out the door and slams it behind him, rick yells behind him "Carl!.....don't!" Carl runs behind the house to the wall, he climbs over the walls just like Enid showed him

He gets over the wall he pulls out his gun and runs into the woods, he runs for about 20 min until he hears a voice "what you doing out here all alone kid?" He raises his gun and turns around but doesn't see anyone "up here!" He looks up and finds a young girl sitting up in a tree, sharpening her knife "who are you?" Carl points his gun at her, she smiles "I'm Isabella Andrews, but everyone calls me Bella, you never answered my question, why are you out here?" Carl keeps his gun on her "well, Bella, you took something form my friends, I came too get it back" Bella smiles "if your from hillshire when I stole that pig, I have bad news" she leans forward and whispers "I already ate it" Bella laughs, Carl shakes his head and points at the gun in her pocket "that.....you just stole it from my friends a couple hours ago" Bella smiles "oh yea, that" she throws the gun down and Carl catches is "it doesn't have much ammo" she raises her bow over her head "I have this....I don't need a gun" Bella jumps down form the tree "bye kid" she turns around and walk away "don't call me kid" she turns around and he points his gun at her "don't come back to my camp, or mess with my people ever again" Bella puts her hands up sarcastically and then turns around and walks away

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now